chapter 12- You're a bad boy!

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Warning for those of you who don't like sexy stuff, don't read pretty much the whole chapter because it's mostly just some fun touching. you have been warned!


Oh, my bed felt so good, like sleeping on a cloud. It must have been early morning, light peaked over the curtains and touched my face; I rolled over, letting my body flop onto the dark side of my bed.

"Oomph," shit, what was that? "Ah, every fucking time," I lifted one heavy eyelid, lazily glancing at Theo. He moaned, squirming around the covers and covering a very delicate area between his legs.

"Woops," I whispered, sleep clinging heavily to my voice.

"The fuck you are! It's like you do it on purpose; do want me to never have any kids?" it's too early in the morning for this.

"Just doing the public a favour," there was a tsk sound before a heavy object blanketed over my body.

"No, you're doing them a dis-favour," he countered.

"A dis-favour? Is that even a word?"

"Shut up! It's early, okay," his plump pink lips poked out, a mist of moisture catching the morning light.

"Hmm kay," I murmured sleepily and closed my eyes, maybe just a few more minutes of sleep.

"Summer? Are you awake?" He poked my nose,

"Go away, I'm not awake," I blindly swatted at his hand, earning a chuckle.

"You don't sound very asleep?"

"Sure I am, you're just not very bright," he huffed and shifted around.

"I'll show you bright," he muttered and launched his body over mine, collapsing in a heap and crushing my small frame.

"The fuck!" I spoke into the pillow, not able to move with his fat ass pinning me down. Theo stilled, relaxing his muscles and trying to get comfy.

"You know, you're very lumpy. It's not very nice," he finally whispered, letting his warm mouth rest gently on my ear, "not very nice at all. I should change that," what the hell is he up to? I was airborne, slipping through the air with ease; Theo hoisted my body, letting it fall down onto him. I landed with an oomph, my breath escaping through parted lips. Who does he think he is? Throwing me around like that, I need to put him in his place!

"I would be careful if I was you," he raised a brow, challenging me with his smirk, "throwing people isn't nice and I was just getting comfortable. Bad boys need to be punished."

"Am I a bad boy?" He voice with deep and thick with need.

"Yes you are," I leant down, resting my lips just over his and letting the tension grow between us.

"And how are you going to punish me?" Oh, just you wait. I jumped up, earning a scowl from Theo; I grabbed some scarves from my bag and walked back.

"Umm..." he wasn't sure where this was going.

"Don't move," I muttered and grabbed his long arms, holding them to the posts of the bed, "you have to behave for me." I knotted the material, making sure it was tight.

"Summer? I'm not sure how much I like this," he sounded uneasy. He face contorted, a slight race to his heart.

"Don't worry, it won't take long," he still didn't look okay, more like he going to shit his pants, "are you okay?" Theo blinked, gulping loudly as I watched his Adam's apple bob.

"Umm, okay. I guess but not too long, promise?" His eyes desperately searching mine, like a lost child.

"Promise," I sat back, straddling his waist, "Is this fine?" He nodded and watched my hands with curious eyes, "for right now, nothing else matters and you're all mine," I murmured.

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