Our Cheeky, Movie Star Romance (Zouis Talik)

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THIS IS MY ZOUIS PROLOGUE! I hope you guys enjoy it! I didn't really spend much time on the cover, as I was so excited to post this. ENJOY!


"No, this will never work. I can't believe that he just quit. How am I ever going to find another Jared?"

Zayn glanced over at the woman sitting a table away from him. She was the stereotypical businesswoman, the one who had two cell phones, a cup of coffee in her hand, and a bluetooth device in her ear. She was chatting away about some issue that would greatly affect her work.

"It's not as if people like him just fall out of the sky, Marcus! I need someone mysterious, someone bad-boyish, ruggedly sexy..." Her eyes scanned the coffee shop as she spoke, searching for that someone...

Her gazing came to an abrupt halt, and the woman's eyes widened incredibly. "Marcus, I'll have to call you back. I think that we've found our Jared."

If Zayn knew that her eyes had landed on him, he probably would have walked out of the shop right then and there. He didn't like people like her; too much fuss. He didn't need that. But, alas, his attention was turned towards his phone as he sipped his latte, all thoughts of the chatty businesswoman having been forgotten as he proceeded to the fourth level of Bejeweled. He didn't even notice when the pretty brunette pulled up a chair, sat on it lightly, and clasped her hands together, patiently waiting for the boy to look up from his BlackBerry. When it finally became clear that he wasn't going to make the first move, she inwardly sighed and began to introduce herself.

"Hello, I'm Eleanor Calder. I was wondering if-"

"Sorry, Eleanor, but I'm gay," Zayn said flatly, still not looking up from his game. He had figured out after multiple incidents that if he just told the girl the truth before she asked him out, it would spare them both the unnecessary embarrassment. Eleanor just laughed.

"Oh, no no no. I'm not over here to ask you out," She said. Zayn looked up at the girl, pausing his game as he did so.

"Then what is it? Oh God, please don't tell me that I'm the father of your kid or something, I-"

"No, that's not why I'm over here," Eleanor replied, giving the boy an unsure look. Zayn sighed in relief.

"Oh thank God," he muttered, looking up at the ceiling. Eleanor just shook her head in a "whatever" motion.

"What is your name?" She asked. She had a meeting in about an hour that she could not be late to, and really needed to cut to the chase. Zayn raised his eyebrows.

"Zayn. Zayn Malik," the boy said.Eleanor put on her nicest smile and laid her perfectly manicured hands flat on the table.

"Well, Zayn Malik, have you ever thought about a job in acting?" She asked. Zayn shrugged.

"Eh, I'm more of a musician, but I've acted a bit," He replied, finishing off his latte with a quick swig. Eleanor's smile flourished.

"Great! I'm guessing that you've heard about the movie that is being filmed right here in Bradford?" She asked. Zayn nodded.

"Yeah, that one starring Louis Tomlinson? Everyone's buzzing about it, it's supposed to be huge," Zayn replied, still not sure where this woman was taking this conversation. Eleanor nodded.

"Yes, it is. I happen to be one of the casting directors for this film, and I was wondering if you, Mr. Malik, would like a main role in this movie."

If Zayn had been drinking anything at the moment, he would have sprayed it all over the posh woman in front of him.

"Wh-what? A main role? That's crazy! You don't even know if I'm a good actor or not!" He spluttered, staring bug-eyed at Eleanor. The woman just smiled.

"Well, the actor we originally cast for the part dropped out on us, something about how this business was eating him alive or something, yada yada yada," Eleanor explained, waving her hand in a "whatever" motion and rolling her eyes. "And since this is such short notice on his part, we are desperate for another actor. We really don't have much other choice."

"Well, what about the other actors who actually auditioned for this part?" Zayn asked. She was crazy. This woman was right out mental. Eleanor shook her head.

"None of them look the part quite as well as you do. I was actually going to start calling some of them, but that was before I saw you here. It's fate. And I really need you to agree to this, because God forbid we delay filming any more than we already have."

Zayn's mind was spinning. How was this even happening? He was just given the chance to be in a movie with Louis fucking Tomlinson. Eleanor waited patiently for his response.

"Well, um, when would I start?" He asked.

"If it's not too much trouble, we'd actually like to start going over the script tomorrow morning," the brunette said simply, as if it was no big deal. And maybe it wasn't a big deal to her, but it sure as hell was to him. He gulped, thinking through his choices.

He could either... A) Take the job and actually have something to do this summer, meet some celebrities, make money, and possibly become famous, or B) Not take the job and lay around the house all summer, have no social life and possibly regret his decision for the rest of his life. The choice was obvious

"Sure, yeah, I'll do it. I'll take the job," he said, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. How did he, Zayn Malik, antisocial weirdo, land a role in a movie that was sure to be huge? The world may never know.

Eleanor grinned and clapped her hands together. "Great! Now, here's my card. I'll be expecting you at this address tomorrow morning at six o'clock."

She scribbled down an address on the back of the white cardstock that was her business card. She handed it to Zayn, and then stood up.

"Everything will be explained to you in the morning. Don't worry, it won't be that bad. I'm sure you'll have a great time filming. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to get to," Eleanor said.

And then she was gone, and Zayn was left bewildered out of his mind.

Our Cheeky, Movie Star Romance (Zouis Talik)Where stories live. Discover now