Chapter 3

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Zayn looked at his phone. He sighed. An hour until lunch. He put his phone back in his pocket, and sighed again.

He hadn't seen Louis in a couple hours, not since the actor had left while on the phone. Zayn didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved. Sure, Louis was a bit strange, and, if Zayn was being completely honest, made him feel the tiniest shade discomforted, but Zayn couldn't deny that there was something strangely attractive about this guy, and it wasn't the way his ass looked absolutely perfect in those jeans. No, Zayn just wanted to be around Louis, get to know him, maybe even (and at this thought, Zayn cringed at himself) be called babe or beautiful again. But only by Louis. No one else said it exactly like Louis did.

Harry had been Zayn's guide this whole time, making sure he got to places on time, keeping track of his schedule. Zayn had asked if Harry just wanted to leave, and that he could figure everything out on his own, but he was met with an almost immediate refusal. Harry told him that it really wasn't a bother keeping track of Zayn, and that he was just doing his job. Zayn wasn't sure that babysitting was Harry's regular kind of job.

Now, sitting here bored out of his mind, Zayn was just waiting for the not-so-boring stuff to happen, like the acting. So far, all he'd done was get his hair done (the blonde streak admittedly didn't look so bad), go to wardrobe (honestly, his own shirt was almost the same as the one they put him in), and get a script, which he had been told a certain part to read. Already, it seemed as if there were loads of similarities between him and his character.

"Hey, Zayn, are you ready?"

Zayn looked up, meeting Harry's gaze. "For what?" he asked. 

"We're gonna try filming a scene. Just seeing if you're what we need," Harry said. Zayn stood up, suddenly feeling nauseous.

"Oh God, okay," he breathed. Harry clapped him on the back, noticing his nervousness. Zayn's palms began to sweat.

"Hey, you'll do great. Just don't think too hard about it, yeah?" Harry soothed. Zayn just blinked a few times, feeling his heart start beating a little faster.

"Okay, let's just get it over with," he muttered. Harry led him to a classroom, and they both walked in, Harry first, Zayn dawdling reluctantly behind him. 

As if Zayn didn't have enough butterflies in his stomach, the first person he saw in the room was Louis. He was talking to Bobby, and this was probably the most serious Zayn had ever seen Louis be. Zayn joined him, and was greeted with a big grin.

"Hey," Louis said, a look on his face that Zayn couldn't quite read. Zayn nodded back, unsure of anything else to do. Bobby suddenly began talking to him.

"Okay, you know your part right?" the man asked him. Zayn nodded quickly, not wanting to disappoint him. Bobby smiled. "Great."

He then began to tell Zayn what he would be doing. Zayn nodded as he talked, trying to look like he understood, when honestly all he could think about was how shaky his breaths had become.

"And I know that this isn't a very simple scene, but I want to get the emotional ones over with. Okay?"

Zayn nodded again, his eyes wide. Bobby clapped him on the shoulder.

"Alright, let's get started!"

Zayn was then in the middle of the room, and Louis was too. Cameras were pointed, a few words were called, and then the scene was beginning.

Louis's line was first. "I don't think I can do this anymore, Jared," he said, suddenly losing his Louis facade. He was now his character, Ash, and it was kind of amazing to see. Zayn was so amazed by the sudden change that he kind of forgot that it was his turn to speak.

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