Chapter 2

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I didn't expect to get such a big response from the last chapter... Thank you! Here's the next one, because I love you guys:)


"Zayn, get up! You should be ready to leave by now!"

Zayn's head was foggy. His vision was blurred by sleep and he didn't understand why his mother was shaking him.

"Huh?" He asked stupidly, trying desperately to keep his eyes open. He rubbed them sleepily, sitting up in the full sized bed.

"Get up, get ready! Hurry!" Patricia ordered.

"What- What time is it?" Zayn asked in his gravelly morning voice. He closed his eyes for a second, dozing against the headboard. Patricia ripped the blankets off of her son, causing him to gasp at the sudden loss of heat.

"Seven thirty! You're lucky I hadn't left for work yet and noticed that you weren't awake."

At that, Zayn's eyes widened considerably, and suddenly he wasn't so tired anymore. He jumped out of bed and stumbled to his dresser, pulling out a fresh pair of boxers. He barely heard his mother leave the room as he fumbled for some clothes in his closet.

"God dammit," he muttered when he stubbed his toe on the door frame in his rush to the bathroom.

He ended up taking a three minute long, ice cold shower, not having enough time to wait for the water to heat. He shivered while pulling on his jeans, and didn't bother with the buttons on his shirt as he got to work on his hair.

When he was finished styling his signature quiff, he glanced at his phone. Seven forty-five. Great.

He sloppily pulled on his boots and decided to brush his teeth in the car. He grabbed his wallet, phone, and Eleanor Calder's business card, and ran out the door, calling a quick good bye to his mother, who was also about to leave the house.

Zayn started his car, backing out of the driveway with one hand on the steering wheel, the other swiftly moving his toothbrush around in his mouth.

Okay, okay, now where am I going...

He made a sharp right, nearly missing the turn and causing a stop sign to have a near death experience. He heard a car honk behind him, but he ignored it.

It was four minutes past eight when Zayn pulled up to the old sixth form building. He jumped out, almost forgetting to lock the car as he raced up the steps.

There were people on the lawn of the school, some looking busy, others, well, not. Zayn stood kind of awkwardly around, glancing around for someone that could help him, tell him where to go. He pulled out the small piece of cardstock that had Eleanor Calder's mobile number on it, and considered calling it, but someone stopped him.

"There you are! Look, Bobby, isn't he perfect?"

Zayn was turned around by two hands on his arms. He came face to face with Eleanor Calder and a man that he wasn't so familiar with.

"Yes, actually... Even better than Darrell, I'd say. But, the question still remains. Can he act?"

Zayn felt weird, almost uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gaze of this "Bobby". He reached up and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, you see, I'm not sure yet," Eleanor answered, and you would think she would have used those words a bit timidly, but she didn't. She answered in full confidence, and Zayn wasn't sure if he would ever see a vulnerable Eleanor Calder, or if one even existed. Bobby looked uncertainly at Zayn, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.


"Look, Darrell didn't leave us with much of a choice. If we don't like him, then we can call someone else. Give him a chance. Besides, I have a good feeling about this one."

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