Chapter 5

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Who's up for some OT5 action?:D


Zayn didn't realize how slow this movie making process could get. No, it wasn't boring, but he found that he was required to act out the same scene more than a few times so that the crew could get the perfect shot. He didn't mind too much though, especially when some of those scenes required him to stand close to Louis, or sit next to him.

It wasn't that Saturday, but the next when Harry reminded him that he had some free time. Zayn didn't really know what he would do with the time; Probably just go home and laze about, talk with his sisters... Maybe personalize his admittedly inactive Twitter account.

He was getting ready to leave set when he felt someone tap lightly on his shoulder. He turned around to find Louis, looking very pretty and standing with his feet together, a small smile on his face.

"Zayn..." He drew the word out, lightly pulling at the sleeve of his white sweat shirt without his eyes leaving Zayn's.

Zayn couldn't help but smile back. He knew that he was becoming increasingly more comfortable with Louis, having spent a good amount of time with the actor in the past two weeks.

"Yes...?" He drew the word out long, like Louis had. Louis's smile grew even wider, and his hands went to the back pockets of his skinny jeans, his thumbs slipping in and the rest of his hands hanging out loosely. He went up onto his toes for a second, and then went back flat on his feet.

"The lads and I were going to go to a park and play some footie. Do you wanna come?"

God, Zayn was awful at football. Like, so awful that he was always the last one picked for teams in school. He paused, and Louis must have noticed the slight hesitation, because he reached out and fit Zayn's hand into his own.

"C'mon, you don't have to play if you don't want to. You can sit and watch with Harry," Louis urged, pulling lightly at Zayn's hand.

Zayn looked at Louis. He had a light grey beanie pushed over his hair, and stubble dotted his jaw. He was smiling at Zayn, waiting for an answer, and Zayn just thought he looked so endearing...

"Okay," Zayn agreed, nodding. Louis's face lit up at his answer, like it had every other time Louis had asked Zayn to join him in dome activity. He laced his fingers with Zayn's and squeezed his hand.


Zayn felt like they had fallen into a pleasant routine. Louis would ask Zayn to do something with him and his friends, and Zayn would hesitate. But then Louis would brush little wisps of hair out of his face, and blink at Zayn with blue eyes and long eyelashes, and he was just so captivating...

To make a long story short, Zayn found Louis Tomlinson to be very charming.

"Everything worked out perfectly. Liam has a few months off because his tour just ended, Harry, you, and I are off today, and Niall doesn't have class today."

Zayn nodded at Louis, listening to his every word as they walked side-by-side to Louis's car. Zayn was still trying to get used to the strange looks he and Louis got when they held hands, but it was easy to ignore, especially when there was a Louis Tomlinson right next to him.

Zayn was already smiling like a school girl-and trying to hide it-when Louis opened his door for him, and when the actor went around to get in the driver's seat, Zayn had to contain his grin.

"Is Harry coming with us?" Zayn asked when Louis had started the car. Louis shook his head, beginning to pull the car out of the place where it was parked.

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