Chapter 4

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Zayn was fully prepared to be bombarded with questions from his curious sisters and mother when he got home that night, but he hadn't expected to see his face on the TV screen as he ate a late dinner on the sofa with the rest of his family.

"Zayn! Look! You're on TV!" Safaa exclaimed. Zayn stopped eating for a second, and his eyes went wide when he saw just what picture was on screen. He couldn't bring himself to even chance a look at his father. There, on the television, was a picture of him and Louis holding hands, fingers intertwined. He heard the reporter say his name.

"A source tells us that his name is Zayn Malik, and that he will be playing Jared Walker in the upcoming film, Through the Dark, set to come out in May of next year."

Zayn could feel all eyes on him. He shifted uncomfortably and shoveled another spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth, trying to disappear. It wasn't working.

"Whether or not there is any romantic connection between Zayn and Louis, no one knows for sure, but our source tells us that there were definitely sparks flying on set!"

Zayn nearly choked, and he felt the blood rush to his cheeks. There was nothing left on his plate. He got up and took his plate to the sink as the woman moved onto her next topic involving celebrity gossip. He heard footsteps behind him and knew immediately who it was.


He turned around from rinsing his dish, already expecting the look that his mother was giving him. One eyebrow raised, she took his plate from him and placed it in the sink. She crossed her arms and leaned her small frame against the counter, looking up at her son.

"He seems like a nice boy. I wouldn't mind if you liked him, you know," Patricia assured him. Zayn sighed.

"There's nothing going on between us. We just met today... I didn't even know that anyone had seen us..."

He wasn't exactly lying, per se, but he wasn't exactly telling the truth, either. There wasn't anything official between Zayn and Louis, but he did think that maybe Louis might like him back...

Oh God, I'm such a teenager, Zayn thought. His mother stood up straighter to reach her taller son's cheek, and pecked a kiss onto it.

"Zayn, you're my son. I love you no matter what. Just know what you're getting yourself into," she said. Zayn nodded and smiled at the woman.

"Okay. I love you too."

He walked back into the living room and sat in his original spot. The reality show that Waliyha had turned on was now on commercial break, and she muted the TV.

"So Zayn, what's the movie about?" She asked. Zayn cocked an eyebrow at her and propped both his feet up on the coffee table.

"Say again?" He said.

"The movie that you're in. Through the Dark," she explained. Zayn shot a glance at Yaser, who was concentrated on a soundless ad for some new, awkward blanket.

"Well, um, there is this guy named Ash, who is the main character. That's who Louis plays," Zayn began. "Well, Ash is gay, but he's scared to tell his parents about his sexuality. Jared, who I play, is his best friend, and he tries to help Ash with the whole thing, and, well, I'm not gonna tell you what happens, but yeah."

Zayn felt tense. The conversation was over, but it still lingered. Zayn could have sworn that his father snorted when he heard the part about Louis's character being gay. That, for some reason, gave Zayn a sick feeling.

Zayn was never comfortable talking about his sexuality in front of his family, or even gay people in general, just because he knew that if someone gay was mentioned, all eyes were on him. Little looks would be shot at him, and Zayn hated it.

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