Chapter 13

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At the end of it all, Zayn did miss Louis terribly, but it was okay. His world didn't crash around him, or explode like he thought it might. Instead, life went on, and he and Louis kept in touch routinely.

Louis always woke up earlier than Zayn did, and so Zayn would always start his morning with reading a good morning text from his boyfriend. It automatically made his day better.

Then around noon, Louis would call him. They'd talk for a bit, and then Louis would have to leave because, admittedly, he'd pushed his lunch break to the max. There were lots of "I miss you"s and "I wish you were here"s and even a loud smacking noise that Zayn took as Louis trying to send him a kiss through the phone. It was all very sadly sweet, because there was very little that they said, but so much that they were feeling.

He missed Louis. He missed his antics. He missed the tired mornings drank away with coffee and the lunch breaks that held way too many smiles and way too much affection.

He missed his job, which had been kind of exhilarating, stepping out of his comfort zone for once and putting himself out there. He'd never once heard of someone skipping the smaller parts and diving head first into the starring role, but it had been the step he needed.

The only time he'd ever acted before was when he was in school and needed another extra curricular activity other than art. It had been alright, but this? This was exciting, this was brilliant. He couldn't give this up, especially when he'd taken the time to prove himself, to earn the title of "talented". How many people can say that they are doing a job that they are good at, but also that they love it? Not many. He would not let this opportunity go.

He'd be lying if he said that he hadn't started making plans to move out. He'd already found a flat for himself, and all he really needed to do was pack up and leave.

"You mean in two weeks? That's awfully close, don't ya think?" Patricia asked him, rubbing her tired eyelids with the pads of her first and second fingers. She was tired, understandably. Yaser had recently moved out, leaving her with the house, and now she was about to have her son move away. Zayn shrugged.

"Well, I kinda need to go as soon as possible," he pointed out. "My agent-"

"Agent. I don't think I will ever get over that." Patricia smiled, causing Zayn to smile back shortly before continuing.

"There's this movie. And it would just be easier if-"


Zayn stopped. "Okay?"

Patricia nodded. "Okay. Do what you need to. You... You're old enough to make your own decisions. You don't need my permission."

There was an overwhelming sense of appreciation that came over Zayn, and he grinned gratefully.

"Thank you," he replied, swiftly pulling his mother into a hug. The woman sighed.

"I'm very proud of you," Patricia said, pulling back to look at her son. "Just make sure you call me every once in a whule, okay?"

Zayn nodded. "Yeah, of course."

And things were perfect. Well, until he got on Twitter that night.

Things were a bit... Crazy, to say the least. Crazier than normal. It seemed like people were fighting about something, something about Zayn and Louis.

Zayn slide his thumb across the screen of his phone, scrolling through and trying to make sense of things. Not being able to figure out what was wrong, he decided to send out a message to his followers.

@zaynmalik: Hey guys, what are you all freaking out about? :D

He was promptly met with responses, most being web links or pictures. He decided to first go with the web links.

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