Chapter 7

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A barrier had been broken with that kiss on the cheek, but Zayn didn't really mind at all.

That night after Louis left, Zayn had gotten a text message from the actor. Sure, they had exchanged text messages before, but it was mostly just boring conversations that left Zayn making strange thumb dances over his screen, right before inevitably locking his phone in frustration when he couldn't come up with something to say. Now, though, they had a few topics to run on, and they were making easy conversation up until Zayn fell asleep, his phone falling to his chest.

What Zayn hadn't even begun to think about was seeing Louis the next morning. While he was excited to see the actor, he was also a little nervous. How was he supposed to act around Louis? Was something supposed to be different?

He decided that he would just see how Louis acted. If Louis's behavior was different, then Zayn would follow suit. (But with not quite so much confidence.)

When Zayn got to work that morning, he was rushed to do an interview, which turned out to be not nearly as bad as he thought it would be. It wasn't filmed; Instead, a nice woman wearing a pair of cherry red glasses typed his answers to the questions into her laptop. They were okay questions, too; not hard to answer, not intrusive. He was also glad that there weren't any questions about Louis; he felt as though it would break the easiness that the interviewer and he had achieved, what with Zayn getting all flustered at the very thought of the boy. Besides, he wouldn't know how to answer any questions like that anyways.

He then had about thirty minutes before the next interview, which would involve none other than Louis Tomlinson. Zayn had only spotted the actor once today, and that had been when Louis was running away from a jabbering Lou Teasdale. The sight alone was enough to make Zayn nervous; not in a bad way, but in a "oh look it's that boy I like" kind of way.

Zayn was sure that he was turning into some kind of lovestruck teenager every second that Louis was in his presence.

He had had a coffee that morning, which Harry had picked up for him while getting Eleanor's breakfast. Zayn felt like the after taste was still in his mouth, even though he'd finished off the drink an hour ago. Coffee made your breath smell bad, didn't it?

That's all it took for Zayn to fish through his jacket pocket and pull out a piece of cinnamon flavored gum. Louis liked close proximities, and Zayn would be damned if he let Louis smell his coffee mouth.

Zayn's phone then started buzzing like crazy in his pocket. Like, full on mental. Usually if Zayn's phone buzzed, he would ignore it until he had a chance to look at it. This time, though, it would not stop. He finally got annoyed and pulled the device from his pocket, clicking the lock button once to illuminate the screen.

It was Twitter notifications. Every second, a new spill of notifications would flash across the screen, saying that someone mentioned him, or followed him. He unlocked his phone, and the Twitter application was on screen.

The first order of business was to turn the notifications off. He knew that there had to be some way, because if not, Louis's phone would be like his on a regular basis. He tapped through the settings, almost sighing in relief when he saw the option to turn the notifications off.

Next, he wondered how this had happened. He'd had Twitter for a short while, but today was the first day that it had gotten any sort of interaction. Someone must have told his Twitter name to the general public. But the only people who even knew about his account were Harry and Louis...

Zayn immediately typed the name "Louis Tomlinson" into the search bar and tapped the only verified one in the results. The actor had just tweeted like, five minutes ago. Zayn checked to see what it said.

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