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The flashing lights were almost overwhelming.

As Zayn stood for a few seconds and smiled, he was acutely aware of the slight squeeze that Louis was giving his hand. Louis had been nervous all night, and this was just another nervous twitch of his. Zayn couldn't blame him though; these were the Academy Awards.

"Don't worry, babe. You're gonna win, I know it," Zayn said. They walked on down the carpet and a million different lights tweaked his vision from the corner of his eye. Louis let out a shaky laugh.

"You never know, Zayn. I've wanted this for so long."

Louis had to look up a bit to catch Zayn's eye, and when he did, he was smiling. Zayn wanted to kiss the look off of his face, but you don't do those kind of things when you're on the red carpet. Instead, he settled for another hand squeeze and stood for yet another picture.

Zayn could remember how nervous he had been the first time he'd done something like this. It had been for their Through the Dark movie premiere, and he had been ready to run away and never have to face the camera flashes. What if he fell? What if he embarrassed himself? What if?

It had taken a short kiss from Louis and two hands on his own to calm him.

"Darling, it's fine. If you fall, I'll catch you. Or fall with you. There's nothing to be worried about."

Zayn sighed and accepted a hug from his boyfriend. "Okay. Okay. I'll do it."

Louis had pressed a kiss to Zayn's cheek and smiled. "There's my Zayn."

That was two years ago, and probably the quickest two years of Zayn's life. It had flashed by so quickly, but it was hard to imagine ever not being a couple. That time seemed a world away, and ever since Zayn had moved in with Louis, it was impossible to ever go back to a life where he wasn't intertwined with his boyfriend.

It was hard to believe that Zayn had only met Louis three years ago. In that time, they had experienced movie premieres and growing careers and the ever present feeling of slipping into the other's pocket and making themselves at home. Zayn had submerged himself in Louis's feathery features and Louis had drowned himself in Zayn's soft affection. Neither of them were complaining.

And now, here they were, hitting another milestone together. The Academy Awards.

This wasn't Louis's first rodeo, but it was Zayn's. He wasn't even nominated and he still felt a little jittery. He acredited the feelings toward excitement, because he knew that Louis was going to win. He had to win.

Before Zayn was even sure what was happening, the couple was being ushered to their seats. Louis had this grin on his face that didn't seem to be leaving any time soon, and as Zayn sat down, he briefly kissed it away. Louis blushed broadly; Zayn had slowly grown comfortable with slight public displays of affection, but Louis still wasn't used to being on the recieving end of the PDA. 

Louis bit his bottom lip, squeezing Zayn's hand with his own. "What was that for?"

Zayn shrugged, running his thumb in circles over Louis's knuckles. "I don't know. You seem nervous."

Louis nodded then. "Yeah, definitely."

And even though Zayn hadn't really ever cared much for this awards show, and thought that much of it was pretentious, he wasn't going to voice that opinion to Louis ever. He knew just how important this whole thing was to his significant other, and he wasn't going to destroy that. Instead, he sighed.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think that I saw a supply closet that we can snog in later at the after party. Like old times."

Louis guaffed, covering his open mouth with his free hand. Zayn chuckled a little with him.

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