Chapter 16

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"Zayn, I could never be 'just friends' with you."

The words repeated in Zayn's mind over and over again like some twisted broken record as he laid in bed, praying for his head ache to go away.

At the moment he was lying on his stomach, the soft blankets curling around his unmoving body. Usually, with headaches, Zayn would sleep them off, waking up feeling refreshed. But this time, there was too much on his mind.

He hadn't taken a shower yet, and even though he needed to, he couldn't find the will to lift his aching head off of the pillows. Instead, he laid there, thinking.

What did Louis mean? Did he mean that he could never have anything other than a relationship with Zayn, or did he mean that he wanted nothing to do with him? The thought lanced a sort of anxious nausea throughout Zayn's stomach.

Or maybe that was the alcohol. He had been stupid to drink so much after so long without even a drop of beer having gone through his system. Now he felt miserable.

He had wondered why he hadn't felt the urge to vomit, and as he did so, a memory pushed itself behind Zayn's eyes of him stumbling down a hallway, through a bedroom, and into a bathroom. He now remembered puking up all the contents of his stomach into Louis's toilet.

So now there wasn't anything left to throw up, and his head hurt, and maybe his stomach was growling a little bit. He chose to ignore it for the time being, waiting until this incredible head ache was gone and promising himself that as soon as it had faded a bit, he'd get up and have some breakfast.

As he wallowed in his thoughts, his phone began to buzz on the nightstand. He groaned loudly, propping himself up on one elbow and reaching for the device.

He unplugged it from the charger awkwardly with one hand and, without lifting his head from the pillow, brought the device to his ear.

"Hullo," he drawled tiredly. A loud voice met him on the other end.

"Zayn!" Harry yelled, causing Zayn to wince and grit his teeth.

"Fuck, Harry. Don't yell like that."

There was an amused sort of laugh, and then, "Oh yeah, I forgot. You got completely fucking pissed last night. How is that working out for you?"

Zayn wished that Harry could see the glare that he was giving. "Go to hell."

Harry laughed again at that, but didn't comment on it. Instead he said, "So I saw you go home with a certain someone last night... How did that go?"

Zayn could envision perfectly the face that Harry was making. Raised eyebrows, sly smirk. Zayn sighed.

"Not great, really," he answered. "I mean, kind of terribly."

He recounted the events, from when he woke up to the present, and Harry only had a minimal amount of comments throughout. When he ended, Harry said, "So, what? You're just going to wait for him to decide that he wants to be with you again?"

Zayn was sitting up now, his back against the headboard. "Well I-"

He stopped, thinking about how yeah, that's exactly what he was doing. And it sounded a bit pathetic. He ran his fingers through his flattened hair and said, "What else am I supposed to do?"

"Zayn. Zayn, Zayn, Zayn. Here's what I think. Having known Louis almost his entire life, I really get him. What I think is happening right now is that he is hurt by what you did-"

"As he should be," Zayn interrupted. Harry continued like he'd never spoken.

"-and now he wants to seem like he has the upperhand. He doesn't want to seem like he is as hurt as you are in all this. Louis never wants to be seen like that. He'd pretend he's perfectly fine even if he was in the hospital with his lungs falling out of his ass."

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