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I rounded the corner and eyed the door as it swung fully open. I eyed the floor as two very shiny, very clean and very expensive leather shoes came into view. Two very shiny, very clean and very expensive leather MENS shoes.

I my breath caught in my throat and I froze on the spot. People always talk about fight or flight - no one ever talks about freeze.

Stuck to the spot, I watched as what looked like over 6ft of solid man darkened my doorway. He looked angry, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes appeared dark, dangerous and clouded. Next thing I know, his expression switched almost immediately to shock and surprise.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I must have the wrong door!"

Me, still stiffer than a board just stood there, staring at him, not knowing what to do. I'm sure by now my mouth was gaping wide open, doing a fantastic fish impersonation.

He gave me one last look and turned to leave, just as Lana tried to walk through the door and collided with him.

Lana took one look at me, drew herself up to her full hight - which even with her also being 6 foot tall, still didn't match him - and sent him a look that could make a charging bull back down.

"Excuse me, but what ARE you doing in her doorway?!" She demanded.

The man stared at her with wide eyes, and said "I was looking for apartment 304, and accidentally walked into... Uh... What is this apartment?" He asked

"305. See? It's written on the door." She said, as she pointed to the brass numbers and glared at him again.

"Well, I, uh, better be going" he mumbled as he turned to leave for the second time, giving me one last look.

Lana waltzed in, and shut the door behind her, making a point of over exaggerating locking it.

"Jeeze Bee!!! You need to start locking your door! You don't know what sort of riffraff might waltz in!" She exclaimed. "Present company excluded - though if something like that came through my door if I left if unlocked, I'd remove them all!"

I'd finally regained use of my body, let out that breath I didn't realise I'd been holding and rolled my eyes at her.

"You ok? You not going to space out on me again are you?" She said, worry creasing her forehead.

"No, no I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting... That... To come through my door" I said, shuddering

"What, you mean a man?" She shot back. "You'll have to get over it one da-"

"Shut it. Don't say one more word."

"But Bee-"

"You know that's off limits. I. Don't. Date. Period." I said through gritted teeth.

Lana sent me a sideways glance, I knew this meant we weren't done with this. Much to my dismay.

"Now, are you ready to do what to came here for?" I asked.

"You know that's not the only reason I came. I'm just bored." Lana said.

"Well, I have plans later- "

"Yeah right! What? A date with you and your ebooks?" She scoffed.

I glared at her, again, and went to grab my camera.

"Okay!" I said. "Up off the couch and into my office."

I walked ahead of her, and went in. I took a deep breath as I surveyed my office. Backdrops mounted to the wall, three light stands and attached to those where three large, white umbrellas. I shook my head to try and clear my thoughts, and I turned on the lights and adjusted the umbrellas.

Lana came through the door, "I'm ready for my closeup!" She said

"Seriously? Out of all the things you could say!" I laughed at her.

"Ok you, over there, and face me."

I turned and picked up my camera. Those sweaty palms reappeared almost instantly. I swallowed and started on autopilot again, adjusting settings.

I looked up at Lana and gave a few more directions. She wasn't at all hard to photograph. Lana was 6'1", natural blonde hair you just can't get out of a bottle, and intelligent blue eyes the colour of the pacific on a summers day. She had the makings of a supermodel, but had far to much fun arguing with people to not go into law. 

I snapped a range of shots and put the camera down.

"Ok, you're done. Now, can we get out of here?" I asked.

I heard the door open again and panic rose again. "You locked it didn't you?" I asked.

"Yes, Bee! That'll be Addie coming home. Stop panicking and calm down."

We heard bags drop on the floor and footsteps echo up the hallway. The door opened, and sure enough, Addison, my sister, was standing there, mouth agape and eyes like saucers.

"Bee! You're... You're -"

"Yes, yes. I'm in my office. She - I pointed at Lan - wanted photos. Now, we are exiting. Are you going to move or will we just stand here?"

Addie moved and we headed back into the lounge room, which is where Lana pounced on me and dragged me to my bedroom.

"Right! We are going out!"

I groaned. "No! No way!" I protested.

It fell on deaf ears though. She had already gone for my hair straightener and had a fistful of my hair ready to bake straight. 

"You can read your books anytime. Live a little! You need to get out more."

You don't have a chance arguing with Lana. It's usually just easier to go along with it, get it done and then you'll end up doing what you want in the first place quicker.


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