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I rounded the corner, and pulled my car up to the gutter. Double checking I had the address right, I put the car in park and pulled the handbrake on.

It was spring, and the smell of fresh mowed grass lingered in the air. The distant sound of lawn mowers and hedge trimmers buzzed in the background. As I got out of my car, the light cool morning breeze ruffled those bits of dark brown hair that you can never seem to get to stay in when you put your hair up.

I opened the back passenger door of my car, and rifled through my camera bags, finally coming up with my chest harness for the two monstrosities of camera I'd be toting around for the next twelve plus hours. I grabbed the two DSLR bodies, grabbed the lenses I would need, and started connecting the lenses, then the cameras to my strap.

As I let the weight of the cameras fall against my side, dragging my shoulders down with it, I thought about the day ahead. Slight nerves kicked in about now, like always. They where barely present now, after all I'd lost count of how many weddings I had been hired to capture and document, but the ever present, niggling thought that this was someone's big day, this was someone's wedding and you only get one shot at this, grounded me.

I walked up the garden path, noticing the well looked after garden. Manicured hedges, notice florals in full bloom. I noted spots for photos later, and kept walking. Inhaling the scent of the lavender bushes that lined the path. 

I reached the door and paused for a minute. One of my fears is one day I would arrive at the wrong house I needed to be at to photograph the bride getting ready. Not that it's a huge deal, but it's always an embarrassing worry.

I lifted my arm to knock, when the door opened suddenly and cool air rushed out of the house. With it, was the smell of hairspray. That's usually the sign you're at the right house.

"Oh great, you're here!" Exclaimed the bride. "I was worried you wouldn't be able to find the house, come in!"

As I walked through the door, suddenly I was hit in the head.

"OW!" I exclaimed, blinking a few times. I was back in my bedroom, staring at my reflection. Now with impeccably straightened hair. I shuddered at the momentary flash back, and looked around to find my attacker.

To my right, Lana was standing there, holding a pillow, with a look that was a third concerned, a third puzzled and a third annoyed.

"Did you hear ANYTHING I just said?" She asked.

"Ummm, yes?" I said hoping she wouldn't question further.

"So you missed the part where I told you I had a boyfriend?" She questioned further.

My eyes turned to saucers and my mouth fell open "you WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

Lana rolled her eyes at me. "No, I don't but that proves you definitely weren't listening to me," she retorted, laughing at me.

I grabbed the other pillow and threw it at her, getting her square in the face.

"So not funny Lan!" I told her. "What where you saying?"

"Nothing important, don't worry. Where did you go just then? It was almost like one of your black out, space out episodes."

I looked at her, with that worry crease indenting her forehead. "It's ok, you don't need to worry about me, I'm fine!" I assured her, hoping my facial expressions didn't betray the true feelings under the surface. "I just had a flash back, that's all, no biggie"

"To THE day? Really? Want to talk about it? You know, you never really told anyone about what happened that day. One day you where fine, and the next - "

"Stop Lan, I don't want to talk about it. I'm fine." I sent her a pleading look. "Just drop it. Please?.

She eyed me with a hint of distain and worry. "Fine. But this isn't the last we speak about it, ok Beth?"  

Oh no. Full name usage. I held her gaze for a few seconds, and then I relaxed. She wasn't going to push any further - at least right now. "Now let's get ready to go out! Do you need me to do your make up?"

"Great diversion Bee, it won't work forever. You can't distract me for long."

"I know, but I can try and use the lure of good food, great drinks and dancing can't I?" I winked at her.

"This time, maybe, next time, probably not" she said quietly.

I grabbed my makeup brushes and started to do her makeup for the evening.

"You can't run from it forever Bee. You will get tired and it will catch up on you, you do know that right?" She said, looking me straight in the eye.

I broke eye contact and turned my attention back to the eyeshadow palette. Sighing, I turned back to her.

"I know, but I can try for a bit longer can't I?" I said sadly.

"What happened that was so bad, that you gave up what you built from the ground up?" She asked out loud.

I looked at my feet and begged my mind not to go back there. If I didn't remember it, it didn't really happen right?

Lana eyed me sadly. "Come on, let's get back to the matter at hand. Applying my face for tonight!"

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