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I watched on, camera at the ready, as the bridesmaids tried to corset the bride into her dress. The fact they where all wearing fake nails did not help them as they tried to tug, pull and thread the ties through the tiny loops on the back of the dress. The bride wore a slightly frustrated look on her face, failing to disguise it well. I analysed the situation, realising I was going to have to try and help out.

"Did you guys want me to take over? I can get the rest of the shots after she's into the dress. I've done this a 1000 times before" I politely suggested to the maids.

They all looked at me, relief flooding their faces. "Sure! If that's ok with you Meg?" The maid of honour asked the bride.

"If it'll get this done quicker, whatever works! Thanks Beth!" Meg, the bride, replied.

I made quick work of the corset, threading all the loops, and then tugging to tighten it. With every tug, the Meg would stumble a bit, due to the sheer force needed to strap her into the gown. "Can I grab one of the bridesmaids to help steady Meg? I don't want her to topple over, but corseting isn't delicate business," I smiled. Meg's maid of honour came over to help, grabbing her arms and bracing herself. i continued to pull the ties, which was a lot easier now that Meg wasn't at risk of falling over every time I tried to tighten the corset.

"Almost finished, how's it feeling?" I asked her.

"Feeling good! It just needs to be a bit tighter around the top"

I re-adjusted, and with the bride satisfied with the fit of her designer gown. Layers of tulle and french lace skirt pooled at my feet. The delicate beading caught in the light of the bay windows, covering the space in small flecks of light. I picked my camera back up and organised the bridesmaids for the remaining shots I needed for the "dressing of the bride" scene.

"Can I grab one to two maids to be fiddling with her corset, can I grab another to be holding the train, and can I grab one more to be faux fixing her hair from the front" I spoke, waiting for the bridesmaids to follow orders.

After moving around and changing angles, snapping 5-10 shots for each angle, I double checked I had exposed the scene right, and told the bridesmaids they could stop and relax now.

Meg turned to me, "Thank you so much Beth! You've been such a help already! Photographer and dress fitter extraordinaire!"

"It's nothing, you shoot enough weddings to pick up the tips of the trade" I replied. "Now, is there anymore shots you need, or would like from me, before I head over to the ceremony and get some of the boys looking all nervous?" I grinned at her.

"No, you've covered everything! Thank you again! You're right to head over there now."

"Bye everyone! I'll see you there!" I said, as I waved to everyone. I hefted my gear bag over my shoulder and walked out the door, it slamming behind me.


"BETH!" Lana yelled in my ear.

I jumped, blinked a few times and grimaced at the throbbing in my ear.

"Gosh Lan! No need to blow my ear drums out!" I exclaimed, rubbing my temples.

"Well, you spaced out - again - I might add." She looked at me puzzled. "What's gotten into you, I haven't seen you this spacey since that day. You sure you don't want to talk about it? I mean, not only did you give up photography, which you lived and breathed - I swear you had a camera for a hand - but you broke up with - "

"Don't! Just don't say his name!" I shouted at her, startling her. "I'll talk about it when I'm ready, just, don't say his name!"

It was then I realised we where standing in the hallway, at my front door. The door to 304 opened, and another tall man peered out behind it. He looked familiar, but I just couldn't place it. Maybe he had been in a bridal party or was a previous client? Who knew?

"Is everything ok out here? I heard shouting" he hesitantly asked.

"It's ok, just having a heated discussion with my friend here. Sorry to disturb you, we'll move it inside." I replied, shamefully trying to push Lan inside.

"What's in the water here Bee? Tall men everywhere!" She exclaimed, as I managed to push her inside, just as I heard 304's door click closed.

I closed the door behind me, lent up against it and let out a sigh. Then, remembering that afternoons events, locked the door.

As I turned around, I came face to face with Lan.

"You. Couch. Now. And we are going to talk. About that day. You can't just bottle whatever happened up like this. Pretending it didn't happen doesn't mean it didn't, and you need to deal with this!" Lan said.


"No buts! You're going to start talking!"

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