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"Beth!" He called out. And time felt like it slowed to a standstill.

I had thought many times about what I'd do, what I'd feel, when I saw him next. I had gone over and over in my mind what I'd say. Even my tone and voice inflection. But nothing prepares you for when they are standing in front of you.

Fear is a funny thing. Your limbs feel like lead, your brain fogs up and your mouth runs dry. Your heart feels like it's going to beat right out of your chest, your stomach drops and panic rises. I could feel it rising from my toes until it hit my head, and it felt like all my hair was standing up like you've stuck your finger in a electrical socket.

Liam started heading towards me. I inspected his face. His eyebrows where knit together, and the crease between them that he always wore when he was angry was there. His electric blue eyes where cold, and his jaw was tense. He looked furious.

I blinked and shook my head. Heat started to rise in my face, and I clenched my fists. My shoulders tended up and I set my jaw. He had no freaking right to be pissed off, yet here he was. Six foot of large, intimidating man charging towards me. Seeing this, something inside me snapped. I was angry. I was furious. I'm sure if this was a cartoon steam would have been billowing out of my ears by now.

Liam reached me, and squared his jaw. He didn't break eye contact. I glared right back at him.

"What the hell Bee? You disappear off the face of the earth. We were engaged! You can't just up and leave like that! And don't get me started on your fucking best friend! Like a bloody pit bull!" Rage rolled off him in waves. And for once, I wasn't scared. I was very proud of my next move. In all of my scenarios, I never pictured my reaction, but looking back, it was the absolute perfect one.

I slapped him. Hard. The crack as my palm hit the flesh of his cheek echoed in the shop alcove we were standing in. The nerves in my hand where firing, the stinging a welcome sensation.

Shock registered across his face. I applied my most arrogant smirk and leaving my eyes cold. I was enjoying stretching out my bitch facial expression muscles that hadn't been accessed in a long time.

In the most level, coldest tone I'd ever heard come from my mouth, as I stared him down, I replied. "You. Have. No. Right." I poked him in the chest with each word. "After what you did, you shouldn't be the one angry. You should be grovelling, you lying bastard. I had every right to leave you and never speak to you again. Leave me the hell alone!" I took one last look, leaving him in shock, my palm imprinted across his face, and mouth agape. I whirled around, and collided with a wall of muscle.

I looked up at the obstacle in my way, and my tense muscles relaxed. It was Henry! I'd never been so relieved to see a man in my life.

"Is there a problem here?" Henry asked, voice laced with malice. I eyed him up and down. Angry Henry was something to be reckoned with. His rage was no where near a match for Liam's. His whole face looked like it was carved from stone, and the muscles near his jaw where twitching, he was clenching his jaw so tight. His eyes bore into Liam.

Liam drew himself up to full height, and I couldn't help but notice he was still nowhere near Henry's height, or build. Damn. He was was impressive!

"Who the hell are you?" Liam spat. The viciousness behind his voice was unmistakeable. I gulped and looked up at Henry. Henry wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into that hard chest again.

Henry looked down at me, his face softening. "Who is this delightful human you just assaulted babe?" He asked. Sensing what he was trying to do, I played along. I reached my hand up and patted his chest, swallowing the rising bile and panic. "No one you need to worry about honey, just my asshole ex-fiancé. Don't waste your time on him." I smiled, and I knew it didn't reach my eyes. I was desperately trying to defuse this situation and get to the safety of home. How could I have been so stupid? I'd been so careful to avoid any place near Liam's office. Bloody, stupid camera.

I looked at Liam and then up at Henry, my eyes darting between the two of them. Liam's face was darker than before, laced with murder. I swallowed again, leaning a little further into Henry. My strong, pissed off arrogance from before had gave away to the fear again.

"Get your hands off her" Liam growled at Henry.

"No. Not happening." Henry replied, almost sounding bored. He looked at me and smiled. It lit his whole face up, and turned back to Liam. "She's mine. If she wants my hands off her all she has to ask. I don't know about you, but I haven't heard her ask yet." He looked at me again. "Sorry Bee, but did you want me to remove myself from your person?" He smirked, and raised an eyebrow at me.

I snuggled in closer. "Nope, all good thanks!" And smiled back at him.

Liam scoffed. "As if. I don't believe it Bee. Arrogant, imbecile assholes aren't your type." He smirked back.

"I almost married you." I spat back at him.

Henry raised his eyebrow at me again. I shivered. "I don't think he believes us Bee. We might have to prove him wrong." And before I could ask what he meant, his lips crashed into mine.

This wasn't just any kiss. This kiss was filled with hunger, passion and need. I felt it right down to my toes. My legs turned to jelly, and everywhere he touched me felt like I was connected to electricity. His hand tangled in my hair, tugging on it a little. I felt his tongue dart between my lips, and I couldn't help but respond. No one had kissed me like this before. I couldn't help but respond. Henry broke away, removing his is hand from my hair to my lower back. Shock played across his face before he hid it again.

I inhaled a shaky breath, and stole a look at Liam. If looks could kill, I would have been dead ten times over. I pulled bravado from god knows where, and sassed back at him. "Believe us now?" Where had this side of me come from? Why can't I just shut up?!

Liam said nothing and visibly tensed. His fists balled up, and his shoulders where rigid. He was looking for a fight. I inhaled sharply and stiffened in Henry's arms. "Lets go home Henry. I have to cook dinner, and it's after 5." I said shakily, hoping he would leave with me and not cause anymore of a scene.

"Ok Bee, just give me a second here with Liam." Henry replied, not taking his eyes off my pissed off ex. I grabbed his arm and tugged. "No, you need to come with me. Leave him be. He's not worth it." I pleaded.

"I just need to have a few words, and then I'll be right behind you." He said with authority, letting me know I wasn't going to be able to change his mind.

I sighed, and started to extract myself from Henry. Liam, still fuming, but trying to get the better of the situation, tried one last time.

"Honeybee, wait! I just want to talk to you." He said, staring me down.

I gasped. That was his nickname for me. I thought it was cute, until... I shook my head refusing to go there right now. Or ever.

I marched up to Liam and glared at him. "Don't you dare use that nickname. Don't you talk to me ever again. Leave me alone and go to hell!" I started to march off, hoping Henry wasn't too far behind.

When I didn't feel Henry behind me, I turned around just in time to see Henry punch Liam so hard he fell on his ass. People around stopped and stared at the devolved situation. Why could Henry just leave him be?!

I walked up to Henry again, and grabbed his hand. "You are coming with me. Now." I said with as much authority as I could muster. I turned and looked down at Liam, splayed out on the concrete, his hand over his nose. Blood poured down the front of his face and onto his crisp white shirt. Inside I cheered a little at the site of my ex-fiancé in his place.

"You will leave her alone now. Or you won't know what hit you. I don't lose. Ever. And I don't make threats lightly." Henry said, his voice cold as ice. Henry's hand tightened around mine, and lead me away from Liam, who was refusing to be helped by passers by.

I turned to Henry, and smiled weakly. "Well. That was interesting" I muttered under my breath. "You can say that again" Henry muttered back.

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