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- Henry -

"Bloody hell! I'm definitely going to be late!" I cursed as I ran out of Beth's apartment. As I hurried down the hall, stopping abruptly when I got the the elevator. I jabbed at the button as I tried to pull everything back under control again.

"Why do I keep coming back to her?" I asked myself internally. "You'd think I'd have left her alone after the first unfortunate meeting!" I chastised myself. "Or even the second!"

"Great. Now I'm talking to myself!" I muttered out loud. Shaking my head, trying to clear it and the foggy thoughts permeating my grey matter, I impatiently jabbed at the button again.

"In a hurry I see Henry!" A deep, familiar voice spoke behind me. I turned around to see my brother, a little confounded by seeing me here. "What are you doing here this early? And leaving?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I expelled an impatient breath. This was the last thing I needed this morning. Nope, no. The last thing I needed this morning was Beth, but I just couldn't stay away could I?

"Morning Connor. I'm going to ask the same question, it's no where near noon, and you're functioning." I levelled my gaze with his.

He chuckled. "I have... things to do." He said rather vaguely.

I scoffed. "At 8:30 in the morning? Surely you're not still drunk? That's usually the only reason you can still be up." I glared back at him.

Hurt flickered across his face, which disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. He shuffled his feet and stared down at his shoes.

"I know I haven't been in a good place Hen, but I'm trying here." Connor mumbled.

I felt a little guilty going for the jugular this early on, but Connor's benders where things of beautiful stupidity.

"Sorry man, my feathers a just a bit ruffled. No hard feelings?" I offered up a little sheepishly. I was a jerk, but he's my brother. It has to count for something right?

"All good Hen. So, what are yo-" the elevator chose that moment to finally arrive halting that line of conversation. We watched the doors in silence and waited for their inevitable opening.

We stepped into the elevator, and I selected the ground floor. We stood there in a semi awkward silence for a minute.

Connor eyed me up and down, and then asked the question again. "Are you actually going to tell me what you're doing here, before work I might add, in my building, and not seeing me?" He demanded.

I groaned inwardly. God. I just had to come back didn't I?

"I was apologising to someone." I snapped, turning my eyes to the slowly changing numbers as we descended the floors of the building.

Connor raised another eyebrow at me. "Is that all I'm going to get?" He asked.

"Yep." I snapped back. The elevator doors opened and I rushed out, if I wasn't quick I was definitely going to be late.

"If you keep up this early habit we should go for a run sometime!" I yelled over my shoulder as I hurried through the foyer.

I heard Connor groan beside me. He had stepped up his pace to match mine. "God I hope not. You know I bloody hate mornings!" He exclaimed, and sauntered off in the other direction.

I reached for the handle on my car, and pulled hard. The door didn't budge. Realising I hadn't unlocked the car, I fumbled for the keys in my suit jacket's pockets. Finding the cool metal I grabbed them and hit the button. Slipping into the drivers seat, leather and new car smell filled my nose. The car was still cool from my trip here. I started it up, and the deep rumble of the engine filled my ears. Nothing like taking out frustrations on the accelerator pedal of my mustang. It cornered like a dream. I pulled out from the curb, quickly changing up the gears and put my foot down on the accelerator, setting the cruise control to coast along the motorway.

My thoughts moved on to Beth. Her black out was nothing I've ever seen before, and the way she bounced back after the way her head hit the tiles, god, it would have made a lesser person reach for the pain killers. She's obviously a tough nut. Then there was that strange feeling that came over me when she fell, and when she was panicking after I figured out who she was. The one where I just wanted to wrap her up, and protect her from everything. That's certainly a new one. I mean, I'm no stranger to a casual fling, but I've never felt this whole protective, pussy side come out. And then there's also this pull that keeps me coming back to her. What the hell is happening to me?!

When I first saw her panicked face when I barged in yesterday, I almost froze like she did. I've never seen anyone quite like her. She's stunning. Standing at what I guess as barely 5', she looks like a tiny waif of a woman. But those eyes of hers. Bloody hell. Those green eyes bore right into you. Curves in all the right places. And that mouth. What I wouldn't have to have that wrapped around my -

A car pulled out in front of me, and I reacted with just enough time as to not rear end the prick. I hit the horn and slammed my hand down on the steering wheel, my hand throbbing from the excessive force. That's going to bruise later, I thought as I grimaced.

I finally pulled into my office, and strolled through to the foyer. But before I could greet the secretary, the second family member for today stopped me.

"Good morning Michael, what brings you out all this way?" I ask curiously

"We'll talk about it later. What's this I hear about early morning visits to Connor's building, and not to see him?" Michael wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Actually, you'll be rather pleased about my visit this morning Mic" I replied back. "I found her"

"Found who?"

"Beth. Beth Everbee." I said smugly as his face went from shock, to surprised, to estatic.

"You've got to be joking. Actually, pray to god your not because otherwise I'm beating your ass so far into next week if you are! Helen won't believe it!" He relied, closely resembling an overexcited puppy.

"Nope. Definitely not. I had coffee with her. And she's agreed to meet with you. That's not agreeing to shooting your I do's, but she's at least considering meeting with your pansy ass. Best I could do. She has your number, she'll call when she's ready." I replied as I strolled to the elevator.

I thought back to Beth's panicked face earlier. I stopped and faced my brother "Michael?" I called out to him as I left him standing in the foyer. "Be gentle with her. Something seriously screwed her up. I've not a clue what, but best handle her with kid gloves." I promptly got in the elevator and watched as the doors shut. Leaning up against the wall of the elevator, I exhaled noisily, relieved to escape another inquisition from the Winters family. My family gossips worse than women.

The doors to the elevator opened to my floor, and I made a beeline to my office. Someone was leaning over my desk, which was strange, as I didn't have any appointments booked in. The closer I got, the more recognition dawned.

She was the last person I was expecting to see here.

What did you think of hearing from Henry's perspective? Do you want more from him? Let me know in the comments!

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