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"What the hell was that?" I thought to myself, Beth's hand still in mine. I didn't know who was clinging to the other one more - her or myself.

I was walking up the street after a painful meeting with a client, and I noticed someone going against the flow of the crowd. She had a giant camera in her hands, and kept stopping to photograph random objects or people. As soon as she'd stop, she'd start again, on a one track mission to capture images. She turned around, and faced me, but seemed to almost look straight through me. I recognised her face the minute the camera came away. It was Beth.

I followed behind her, my curiosity now piqued. I knew I was being stalkerish, but I just couldn't help it. Some unknown thing drew me to her. Suddenly, her pace kicked up. Maybe she had spotted me? She was almost at a jog now. I kicked up a gear and kept on her tail - I wanted to make sure she wasn't in danger. All of a sudden, she stopped, and looked around. she was facing away from me, and I watched her body language freeze. She'd obviously spotted something, or someone, that she was petrified of. I looked into the crowd further, and saw a large, angry man bearing down on her. My protective instincts kicked up into high gear.

I approached a bit closer, my eyes glued to Beth. As I was walking, I saw her tense up. Her whole body changed from frozen stiff, to angry. She was furious. What incited that change? Suddenly, Beth's arm flew out, and collected the side of the guys face. The sound echoed, and you could see her palm print in his face. I smirked. It was such a cute hand print, but that must have bloody hurt! It was already welting.

I watched as she spoke to him, and punctuated her words by jabbing him in the chest. I could see his anger building, and he looked dangerous. Just as I approached Beth, she whirled around, and came into contact with my chest. She looked up at me, fear changing to recognition, and then relief. I internally gloated. She was relieved to see me! God I was turning into a wuss. I looked down at Beth, and then at the angry jerk of a man in front of us.

"Is there a problem here?" I had asked, glaring at the unknown man. I could feel Beth's eyes on me. I stared down the angry asshole in front of me.

"Who the hell are you?!" He viciously spat, trying to intimidate me by drawing himself up to full height. I smirked. There's no way he could take me. Asshole. He wasn't coming anywhere near her. Ever.

I grabbed Beth, and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in to me. She stiffened, and then relaxed a little under my arm. She fit perfectly there. I asked her why she slapped the jerk in front of us, adding in a babe to mark my territory in front of this guy. I don't know what it was, but I wanted him to know she was mine.

When she replied, she fiddled with my tie, and left her hand in the middle of my chest. I could feel her warmth, and I also felt those corny sparks everyone talks about when they meet someone who's the apparent "one". Good god. What was happening to me? I caught the last of her reply, hearing the words ex-fiancé sit in the air around us. I grinned. Ex fiancé? Excellent.

I vaguely heard him tell me to get my hands off Beth. No way in hell I was doing that. I pulled her in even closer, if that was possible, and asked her if she wanted me to let her go. I hope like hell she didn't. When she smirked back, and replied with a resounding no, and she snuggled in closer. I gave her a squeeze and looked up at the wall of anger in human form.

The idiot standing there tried to insult me, but she quipped back. The fire and sass came from her mouth, she was almost a completely different person to this morning. I turned to Beth, and I knew she knew what game I was playing. I had to pull my trump card. So I kissed her.

A few things here. I wasn't expecting her to respond. Well, I sort of was, I mean, who gets kissed by someone like me, and can't resist responding? But I mean after all the avoidance and nervousness from her end, I did not expect her response to be so... intense? I could tell she was surprised at first, but then she just melted into me, and it felt like I forgot everything that had lead up to this. When we finally broke apart, I quickly masked my surprise at her response.

Beth tried to drag me off before I got a chance at this major dickhead, but that was not happening. She finally gave up, and started walking.

I approached Liam, and said in the coldest, most level tone I have, "Leave her alone. You've done enough damage. Come for her again and I will make you pay."

Liam looked back at me and grinned. "Yeah? You and that pretty suit going to show me who's boss?"

"Oh my pretty suit and I would love to, but you don't look like you could afford the dry cleaning bill from when I have to get your bloodstains removed from it" I said drily.

Liam drew himself up, "Yeah? You'll never make her happy. She's a fridgid, cold bitch who doesn't know what it takes to please a man. You can have her." He spat at me.

I saw red. And I punched him. I felt his nose crunch under my knuckles, and they throbbed harder. I was only adding to the bruises thanks to the altercation with my steering wheel, but this was worth it.

I wiped his blood on my pants. "I'll send the dry cleaning bill your way. Beth will give me the details." Beth then grabbed my hand, and dragged me away, leaving the useless pile of human on the ground.

And now we're here. I'm not sure who's leading who, but neither of us is letting go of the other any time soon.

I stopped, and tugged on Beth's hand. She stopped and turned to face me.

"How about we get a coffee somewhere?" I asked, hoping she'd say yes. I was desperate for answers about the ex-fiancé.

Beth looked torn. She sighed, "Sure. Where's good around here?" She replied.

I grinned at her, still not letting go of her hand. "Follow me, I know just the place."

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