Chapter 1: Wonder

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Fake ID?
Formal clothes?
Intensely red lipstick?
Smoothing down my skirt, I step out of my 1970 Plymouth Hemi Barracuda, shutting the door whilst I run my hand over the dark paint. Heels clicking, I walk around the car and waltz up to the scene. I'm in St Charles Illinois and from what I've read in the paper and seen on the internet, an entire family was murdered in the pure daylight, and there was only one witness. The girl who had seen it all was apparently running home, crying about finding her boyfriend cheating on her with another woman, who just so happened to be her best friend. She stopped to take a breath, and when she looked across the street to admire the houses and try to get her mind off of things, she saw a man sprint out of the house, with black eyes. It's an obvious demon kill, but it never hurts to have more information than you need. The short brunette girl was still sitting on a stair in front of the house, as countless police attempt to rip more information out of her. Tears are falling, yet nobody seems to care. She saw more than she has said, that's for sure, however, that doesn't mean they should be pestering her. I stand behind an officer, and tap them on the shoulder, flashing my fake badge.
"Agent Reitman, I need to speak with this woman. I'd appreciate it if you cleared your men out."
I say, pointing to the other police standing idly, no longer asking questions.
"What the hell are the Feds doing at a case like this? We've got this under control."
"I'm sorry sir, I just go where I'm told. Now I really need your people to go elsewhere for the time being."
The man shakes his head, and speaks quickly, and there are many nods as they disperse, moving to other corners of the yard. The girl sniffles, and I set yourself down next to her, coughing quietly.
"Excuse me miss, I'm Agent Reitman, but I suppose you can call me Y/N. I'd just like to ask you a few questions about what happened okay..?"
She pushes hair behind her ear, and sighs.
"My name is Mackenzie... I've already told stuff to the police about all of this.."
"I know Mackenzie, but I'd like to know what happened as well. There is some thing you aren't telling them, I'm aware of that. I won't tell them if you tell me. I promise."
I place my hand on her shoulder, using my thumb to make calming circles, and I smile. She sighs again.
"Well.. Um.. I did see the man with black eyes, that's true, but I saw.. At least I think I saw him get-"
There are some new voices in the crowd, and I look up to see two men standing a few feet from me. They show their badges, which I see clearly are fake, and sit down with me on the stairs. Hunters? I think to myself. I only grin and nod slightly to Mackenzie to continue talking. She looks wary but continues.
"I think I saw him.. G-get the little boy... With a really b-big knife to threaten him.."
She breaks down again, her face flooding. With an 'aw', I pull her close, wrapping my arms around her protectively, letting her eyes wet the shoulder of my blouse. Resting my head in the side of her neck, I look to the men. One is significantly taller than the other, with longer hair. His eyes are a coppery brown, and look aged. The shorter man has hair that looks like it has been spiked up, and soft green eyes. He looks aged too. The 'agents' look so much older than they most likely are, and that elicits a deep sigh from me, as I move my palms over Mackenzie's back. Although, this does kindle the idea of them being hunters, I can't go out directly and say,
"Hey I saw your badges were fake! Do you hunt monsters for a living? Oh don't worry, I hunt monsters too!"
I decide to let the thought be, and let go of the girl after a few moments.
"Mackenzie, just go home and relax. Don't let these people push you around. Remember that this wasn't your fault and just... Exist for a while. Good luck."
Patting her knee, I stand up, and head back to my car. Just as I'm about to get in, I notice a new car down the street a bit. 67' Impala.
I whisper under my light breath, and I slide into my vehicle. After what seems like eons of driving, I arrive back at my motel, and take off the way too high heels, jogging inside the room, happily relaxing after I grab my laptop. Now laying on the bed, I open an online map, and search for any abandoned buildings nearby. To my luck and somebody else's misfortune, just ten minutes away, there is an old barn that was left behind by a farm that was moved to more fertile land. A quick look at the clock tells me it's 1:00am and I should really sleep. Turning off my computer, I set it back onto the night stand; and as I close my eyes, I can't help but wonder if I'll see the 'hunters' again.

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