Chapter 6: Adventure

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My brother says, screaming and pulling at his hair. He can't stop me.
I'm gone.
More gasping. After taking a few breaths, I notice Sam hovering over me, hand on my right shoulder softly.
"Are you okay? It looked like you were having a nightmare... You were rolling all over the place."
I look into his eyes for a few moments, then with a shake of my head I sit up. But as I go to set my feet down on the flat carpet, my head spins and I lay myself back down. Sam frowns, eyes turning downward lightly.
"I really don't think you're okay. I think I'm going to call Dean."
He gets up off the bed, and searches through his pocket in his jeans, and fishes out an old phone. He dials a number and I drop backwards into the pillows uttering a groan. Someone answers.
"Hey, Dean. You busy?"
"Not really anymore, what about you?"
"A little bit. Y/N isn't feeling too well."
"Heh, good job Sammy!"
Sam smacks his forehead and I feel heat rise in my cheeks.
"No, Dean. It's not like that. I think she's sick or something. Could you come to her motel room?"
I hear Dean chuckle.
"Sure, be there in a bit. Get decent though!"
"Dean, I-"
Sam drops his head down, and it looks as if Dean hung up on him.
"I guess you heard all of that."
I nod.
"Okay, well would you mind if I had a shower?"
"Not at all."
"Alright, I'm gonna have it now. Dean is gonna be here soon to help look after you."
I nod again and he turns, slipping off his flannel shirt and then his t-shirt underneath. I consider looking away from his muscular back, but I keep taking small glances. His shoulder blades moves fluidly as he tosses the two clothing items onto a table. I gulp, apparently very audibly. He looks back to me, showing off abs.
"Are you okay?"
I lean back into the pillows again.
He walks into the bathroom, and I hear the water turn on. A few seconds later I am gingerly tiptoeing to my bags, mind swirling. I pull out the disc booklet and then take the movie we watched last night out of the player and slip it back in. Some of my clothing sits out between the bags, tempting me to change. I follow the temptation, and I change my pants into some sweats. Midway though putting on a tank top I hear Sam walking out from the tile to carpet. I slip the shirt on and flip around to look at him. His hair is wet and hanging around his face, and a clean white towel hangs around his waist. Drops of water fall from his hair onto his toned chest. Both of us timidly look each other up and down, blushing madly. Of course at this very moment Dean decides to walk in with a smirk dancing across his features.
"Am I interrupting something?"
My head quickly turns to him, but I seem to have turned too quickly. It begins pounding, and I begin panting. The brothers look at me worriedly. I look down and stumble to the bed, the world twisting and spinning. Scratchy blankets greet me when I fall. I shake.
Sam rushes into the bathroom presumably to put on actual clothing, and Dean speed walks to my side.
"Look, are you alright? I found Sam and I an okay case and we're going to be leaving town soon. I need to know if we can leave you."
My eyes widen.
"R-really..? I just.. I don't even know what's wrong with me and you plan to leave me here? I've never even been sick before, a-and you want to leave..."
He frowns a little before crouching down to my level that I am at on the bed. His voice comes in a raspy whisper.
"Listen girlie. We met you three days ago and all we know is your first name and a sliver of your background. Now if I didn't know better, I would think you were hiding something too. So before I find out what it is, I want to get my brother and me out of here. You got that? Don't expect us to stick out necks out for you."
My jaw drops at his harshness. Wasn't it like some unspoken code that hunters had to help other hunters when they need it? Even if it is just a cold. Although, I've never heard of anything that makes you feel like walking jello-
Sam jogs back in.
Dean stands up and looks at me angrily, but when he looks to his brother, his expression softens.
"Sam, you ready to go?"
The tall man scrunches up his face.
"Dean, we can't leave her here. She's sick. You know how much it sucks to be that way with nobody around. The least we can do is let her stay at the bunker for a little while."
Dean furrows his brow.
"Dude, she's like a stranger to us! We don't know ANYTHING ABOUT HER!"
He says, pointing to me. I never knew such a small gesture could hurt so much.
The brothers are staring furiously into each other's eyes now, silently daring the other to make a move.
"She's coming."
"No, she isn't."
I raise my voice but struggle to keep it loud due to the slamming pain in my head.
They look at me incredulously, not breaking eye contact as I get off the bed and wobble my way to my things on the floor. While I sling one over each shoulder, Sam places a hand on the same shoulder he held earlier. I look up to gaze at him.
"Y/N, you don't have to go. Dean just has some trouble trusting people."
I shake his touch away.
"He's right though, Sam! I have so many things to hide... So many things that could hurt both of you so much. It's not safe. I need to leave."
My foot trembles before I put it down next to him, and walk around Dean who seems to have calmed down, and rethought what he said. Dean pushes the door open lightly, confirming what I saw. Head still throbbing, I make it to my car, then place my bags in the back seat before starting the engine. Ignorance will protect them from me, because I know I'm an adventure they don't want to go on.

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