Chapter 16: Awareness

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I wake up an hour or so later, although it felt much longer. My limbs are stiff, my muscles locked in place from sleeping in an odd position for that long. It almost feels like someone has poured cement over the top of my head. I stand to stretch, working out the kinks in my back. Warm afternoon sunlight streams through the window, covering the entire room in soft yellow light. Now that I've had a bit of a nap, I walk out into the hall, weapons clipped securely to my waist under my jacket. I decide against the elevator, skipping down the stairs with my zipper clicking against my belt buckle. The old woman no longer stands behind the counter, and the lobby is completely empty. This confuses me, yet I carry on out the door to my car.
The nest can't be more than five minutes away, so I leave the music off to tend to my thoughts.
My headaches have been more sporadic lately, jumping in for a few seconds before jumping back out. They're starting to become physically painful, too. But again, the hits don't last long enough for anything serious to happen. I'm not really sure what this is from, and I haven't been able to find anything explaining what's happening; so obviously it's not... Normal. What I'm wondering, is whether or not this is going to go away. It's been here for months, alcohol can't drown it, sleep can't banish it, and just waiting it out hasn't been very helpful either. And I don't want to raise awareness on this... But people tend to stare when you convulse walking down the street.
The brothers seem to be more accepting now, more trusting. A bit more comfortable getting closer too. But are they just acting..? Or do they actually care a bit more now? It confuses me... What happened with Dean. And even more so what happened afterwards with Sam.
I arrive at the farmhouse, and park my car behind some dense trees across the road. Taking a good look at the house, shivers crawl down my spine, like hundreds of spiders aching to catch the nearest insect. The paneling on the house hangs off slightly, some moss climbs the edge of the porch. It's stained, white colour seems almost brown in this light, considering the amount of dirt and dust that may rest upon it. I trot across the road, stopping in front of the house for a moment to do inventory on my weapons. The crumbling wood of the porch beckons me, so I step upon it. It creaks loudly, and I clutch the railing, hoping that the noise stops soon and won't give my presence away. Thankfully, the area becomes quiet once more, allowing me to enter slightly stealthily.
The interior of the home is much more attractive than the exterior. Mahogany planks make up the floor, contrasting the rustic wallpaper that seems to be very common. A leather couch sits in the corner, an end table with a deep yellow lamp is placed next to it. I tiptoe to the left, and discover a very old styled kitchen. Pots and pans still shine, hanging from a rack on the wall. The only thing that seems to be relatively new is a large dining table, encircled by very dark chairs. Oddly enough, the room feels very homey.
Moving on yet again, I stumble across what seems to be--
Going down, to be exact. Obviously to a basement of some sort. If these vamps are anything like all the other monsters, there's probably something seriously bad down there. Just to be safe, I place my hand on my left hip, right next to my machete. I take one last look around the corridor I discovered, taking in the sight of the dusty curtains over the window behind me. I descend.
There are stone walls on either side of me, and if I look closely, threadlike cracks occupy most of its space. A dim, uncovered lightbulb is the only thing keeping away the shadows. The floor at the bottom is extremely unkept, the boards almost slick with... Blood.
Yes, it's definitely blood.
It is even more dark here, and as I pull my machete from its sheath, an intense, fluorescent light flicks on, temporarily blinding me. I back towards the stairs and I raise my weapon in a daze. The metal has a large reflection on the very tip. I shake away the surprise and focus on the figures in front of me. The man with the tattoo, and a tall brunette woman. They're dressed alike, both in all black with some form of leather in their outfit. The man tips his head back, a scowl forming on his face, slightly changing the shape of his pointed chin.
"Who are you?"
I ask, lowering my weapon. Of course, they're vamps. But they do have names.
"Why the hell should we tell you?"
The woman says, crossing her arms. She squints, her cloudy eyes staring at me in defiance. The man puts his hands on his hips.
"You should tell me, because I won't hurt you if I don't have to. I just want to ask you a few things."
The man scoffs.
"Really? You're a hunter. You don't have any sort of empathy, sympathy, or respect for people like us."
"I'm not a normal hunter. Just answer my questions. Please."
I place my machete back where it belongs, raising my hands in a form of truce. The man speaks again.
"How stupid are you?"
I only purse my lips.
"All I ask is that you answer my questions. That's all I want from you."
The vamps look to each other to have a silent conversation. They seems a little uneasy. The two of them look back.
I smile grimly.
"Okay. How many of you are there?"
They seem to contemplate saying anymore, but they reply anyways.
"Are you all in this house right now?"
Kelsey replies, her face emotionless. She fixes her jacket, some of her dark skin now visible on her forearm. A large scar runs over it.
"Alright. If there is only seven of you in this nest, why did you just drain eight people?"
"Haven't you heard?"
Quentin mumbles.
"Heard what?"
"The end is near. We need to be ready."
"How do you know this?
I ask, a slight tremor in my voice. Kelsey replies for her comrade.
"It's everywhere. The Darkness. We can never have enough blood, we may need to last through something crazy. I personally think we need... More..."
Her voice trails off as she looks to Quentin. They both have a horrifying look upon their faces that tells all.
It's time to fight.
They advance towards me, and I once again pull out my machete. This time, however, I pull out my dagger as well. I twirl the blades between my fingers, and Kelsey launches herself towards me. She grabs at me, attempting to grasp my shoulders to drag me to the ground; but I swipe at her with my dagger to make her back off. The sound of feet stomping down stairs fills the room, and I sigh, knowing if I don't take these two down right now, I'm going to be in a bad situation.
I shove Quentin away, and head for my first battle. She slaps at my arms wildly, feebly trying to keep my blades away. But in the end, I slash at her with my machete, and the thumping sound of a head hitting the ground fills my ears. I move onto my other opponent just as the others reach us. I swing, and his head too hits the ground. I turn to the new vampires that have arrived in my peripheral vision. As I thought, the five remaining members of the nest stand in silence, hunting knives in their hands. They calmly walk towards me.
The one in front, a blonde lady, throws herself forwards. Our weapons clash, but I slip past her, almost dancing around her sluggish movements. She growls, and I cut the back of her knees with my dagger, her blood dripping out immediately. Severing her head with ease, I push her limp body out of the way with my foot. She's very light.
Two men now advance, each taking a side of me. They work as a team, striking in a very obvious pattern. After dodging their hits for a few seconds, I slice the palest man's head off, and only moments after, his partner's head falls too. The final two vamps are women, one of which holds a bat. Just like the others, they walk forwards with confidence. But something is different about these two. I don't see any flaw in their fighting style, their attacks are unpredictable and varied. One of the women, a redhead, gets a small cut on my upper arm. Her companion, a woman that seems to be from India, hits me hard in my lower back with her bat. I drop to the ground, grimacing at the dull pain from the different injuries on my body. The lady with the red hair attempts to stab at me, but I roll out of the way, ignoring the layer of blood that builds on my clothes. One of them kicks my dagger from my hand, and in a moment of fear, I yank a knife from one of the dead body's hands. Both of them kick me, and hit me with the bat, bruising me. At this moment, something occurs to me. Right now, I'm on the losing side. They could easily just take my blood, but...
I glance up at them, and then between the two of them. They smile at each other in a way that... Only certain people could. Yet they still beat me. Harder. Harder. Harder. Now I notice it.
These two are in love. Quite literally, madly in love.
The Indian woman chuckles, and something clicks into place. With a quick surge of power, I kick up, and she tumbles to the side, clutching her thigh that I hit. I bring down my machete that I clung onto into the base of her neck. I glare at her lover. She screams in terror and emotional agony. I'm shoved off of the body, and quickly replaced by the last vampire. Tears stream down her cheeks, falling to the head. She whimpers meekly.
"No... No, no. Please... I love you... Please. PLEASE NO I LOVE YOU! I love you... Please T.. I love you."
I assume that the dead vamp's name starts with a T. Though I now stand with my dagger once more, I can't help but feel bad for her. She straddles the one woman, leaning on her chest, soaking it with her tears. I try to silently get away, but the sobs stop as I get to the stairs. I turn, and the redheaded woman stands in front of me, broken, face discoloured. She drops to her knees and kneels. Her voice crackles to life.
"Kill me. Now. Please, I can't live without her. Just end this."
Everything she says is monotone, and expressionless. I hesitate, almost raising my arm, but not enough to put her out of her misery. She speaks again, more clearly.
She looks up at me, pleading. I sigh in defeat, my face resting in a way that makes me appear so, so old. Placing my hand on the back of her neck, I gently push her head down, just so it lulls in place. I set my blade against the cool skin under her short hair. She seems to smile.
"Thank you."
Her head drops with a thunk.

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