Chapter 2: Of Course

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"You can do this to me, please! I can't let you take them! I'll do anything I swear!"
My family stares wildly at me, shaking their heads with fear, telling me not to do... It. The demon strolls over to me, twisting the angel blade and large knife between her fingers. She crouches down to meet me at eye level, as I struggle in my bindings. She pushes the chair back, to the point where I'm almost touching the floor.
"Really now, Y/N? Anything?"
I nod feverishly, and she slams the chair back into place, laughing as she slides the blade across my arm. I scream, thrashing like a fish out of water. Fire rages around us, and she slams the blade into my hand.
The demon twists it, and blood gushes from my wound, as I pull against the chains.
"What a shame. I thought we could actually have a deal for a second. Imagine what the king would say..."
She's now over near my family, all of them wriggling, trying to get free. One by one, she kills them all, a knife to the chest. She starts with Penny, then Jake, and keeps going, shoving that knife into everybody, not bothering to wipe the other person's blood off of it. She takes down the last one, then looks to me, the murder weapon in hand, positioned over her stomach.
"You know, Kate is still fighting in here, trying to claw her way past me. Oh well, life goes on.
But not for her."
The demon shoves the blade into her stomach, and I cry out, the fire dying down around me. I whimper, and let my head fall, letting the thoughts of revenge cloud my head.
I awake gasping, fingers digging into the dirty sheets of the motel. Flicking my head to the side, I check the time, and to my surprise, it's already 7:00am.  I haven't slept much recently because of the nightmares, but today is one of the days where I'm lucky enough to not have the cruelest ones. I shove myself out of bed, and force myself to brush my teeth and hair, then shower. I'm slipping my clothes on, brushing my hair a second time to get the wet knots out of it, and walk out of the bathroom, tossing my brush somewhere into my bag. Searching through my weapons, I consider all of my information. The boy was kidnapped by the demon, which is probably going to trick him into giving him his soul. They're at an abandoned barn out of town which most likely hasn't been considered for a demolition... Ever. Thinking of this, I grab some gasoline and some matches, and throw them into another duffel, along with a demon blade and some holy water. Burning the building to the ground would get rid of one more spot available for kidnapping in this deadly country, and I zip up the bag, getting all of my loose things and shoving them into my original bag, planning to leave the motel early. I pull the two bags over my shoulders, and walk to my car, shoving them in the back. I get in and turn on the radio to a random station, and start driving. The drive ends soon, and I pull over to the side of the road opposite to the barn. Removing my weapons from the bag, I gently close the door, hoping not to let the demon know that I'm here. I put the demon blade in my sheath on my thigh. Letting my fingers pull through my hair, I run to the building, and lean against the side, carefully opening the tall, and annoyingly loud doors. He knows I'm here now, so there's no point in trying to be stealthy.
"Come on out you freak, let me see who you stole!"
It's silent, and as I round the corner, I gasp. A boy, no older than 9 sits against a pillar, cuts scattered over his pale skin. Blood stains the once golden straw on the floor, and I rush over to him, slicing the ropes off of his wrists. He opens his eyes, and I look into them. They're brown, with tiny speckles of green, and they seem so innocent, and in pain. The boy lets a tear fall, and with the ropes off, I stroke his cheek.
"What's your name, little guy..? I'm here to help you..."
I whisper, lifting him up, leading him to a pile of hay bales sitting in the corner.
He whispers back, equally quiet. I set him down, and take out a bottle of water, pouring it over his cuts, letting the dried blood wash off.
"Okay, James. Did you give that bad guy what he wanted..?"
He shakes his head, and I let out a sigh. There are footsteps behind me, and I whisper to James.
"If I tap my foot twice, close your eyes, okay?"
He nods, and shrinks back into the hay. I turn, and a man stands there, blood caked all over his arms.
I say, crossing my arms. The demon growls, and I look to his face. The man he's possessing can't be older than 20, and he's wearing a jersey for a local college. He must've been the perfect vessel, he looks muscular, and is good looking. This probably let him get things easier than most people, weapons, cars, whatever he wanted.
"Why did you take this boy?"
The demon growls again, and there are more sounds, but I brush them off, rats and raccoons probably made this their home a long time ago.
"It was my job. The dad made a deal, and I went to collect."
"People don't bet their children, they wouldn't even be accepted as payment by you guys. He bet his soul and nothing else didn't he?"
The demon stays quiet, and I shift on my feet.
"He did. You just decided to get greedy and take more than he offered."
"I'm a demon. What do you expect from me?"
"Discipline. You knew Crowley won't be happy with you for doing this, so you took a child, an INNOCENT child, to try and steal his soul so your punishment wouldn't be as bad. You must be new to this."
The demon looks down, like he's ashamed of himself.
"I died 46 years ago. I started taking souls a couple of months ago. I only wanted to impress my boss."
"Look how that turned out, buddy. You've gotten too many lives taken, and he won't be happy no matter what you bring back. You might as well let these people go, your vessel and the kid. There's no point in even trying to make things better for you. You're already screwed. Maybe if you just own up to it, hell will appreciate your honesty."
The demon sighs and looks up, opening his mouth. I tap my foot twice, like I said, and James closes his eyes just as the dark grey smoke erupts from the mouth of the man. He collapses, breathing heavily.
"Hello..? My name is Y/N. Do you know where you are..?"
He nods, and I smile, helping him to his feet, and handing him the rest of the water.
"Clean yourself off. You gotta get this kid into town and to some family. Hope for grandparents. I know you didn't want to hurt him, and this is your chance to make things a little easier."
James comes off of the hay, and clings to my midsection.
"He won't hurt you anymore, bud. He's gonna help you now."
He cocks his head to the side, and starts walking towards the man, grasping his hand and taking him out of the barn. I smile, and drop myself onto one of the bales, and stare to the roof. There are more sounds and then a voice.
"You just talked a freaking demon out of taking a soul. TWO souls. Wow."
I bring my head down, and glance to the men. The men who just so happened to be at the crime. I stand up, and put out my hand to the taller one, the one who was closer.
"Y/N. Are you hunters?"
The man shakes my hand, and I offer it to the shorter one next as the tall one nods.
"Of course you are. You should really get your badges upgraded, I could tell they were fake from five feet away."
The short man chuckles, and smirks.
"I'm Dean. That's my brother Sam over there, and you are an absolute badass."
I roll my eyes and shake his hand, he has a firm grip, but mine is stronger. He winces a bit, and I let go, mirroring his smirk he gave me.
"Alright then Sam and Dean. You want to help me burn this place to the ground?"
I hold up the small canister of gasoline, and a few packs of matches. Dean rubs his hand, and looks to Sam hesitantly. Sam looks back, but I can almost feel the joy radiating off of him.
"Come on Dean, this is what we need right now, a way to get rid of anger! Plus, there will be one less place for demons to take people... Let's do it!"
"Sammy, are you sick or something..? If we wanna get our anger out we can pummel a vamp or whatever..."
My heart drops, but I smile when Sam gives Dean the puppy eyes, and he sighs.
"You owe me a real good pie and some beer after this."
Sam walks out of the barn, presumably to get more gas, and Dean turns to me.
"What are you?"
I raise my eyebrows.
"What am I? Jesus Christ, I'm a hunter! What else would I be?"
"I don't know... Forget it."
At this point, Sam returns to the barn, and lights a match.
"Let's do this."
I laugh, and Dean quietly does as well, and we get to work. Just moments later, we're standing outside a raging flame, sitting on the hood of the impala.
"Hey, I'm wondering something."
Sam says, cracking open a beer and handing it to me. I take a sip and nod.
"What got you into hunting..? My brother and I were kinda dragged into it by our dad, but it worked out okay, I think."
Sam looks to me, as Dean follows. I set down the bottle, and cross my legs.
"A demon took my family a long time ago. I didn't want that to happen to anyone else, so I got to work, and became a bit of a passive hunter. Other than the fire, of course. I'm a bit of a pyromaniac I guess... I don't do it to kill, though. I swear."
I scratch the back of my neck, and Sam puts his hand on my shoulder with a short laugh.
"Well, you've got two hunters here who want to help you out. Want to try a hunt with us some time?"
I smile, and look between the brothers.
"I'd like that."

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