Chapter 3: Inappropriate

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Not long after I had my drink with the brothers I now call the Winchesters, I drive back to my motel while adding their countless phone numbers into my contacts. Scrolling past Bobby's name, I let a tear fall from my face. The man was amazing, helping any hunter that needed it; including me. I continue past, eyes going back and forth between the road and the screen. The final number is added, and just in time. I throw the device into the passenger seat and look up just as a car swerves in front of me. I panic and fling the wheel around, skidding to a stop in the middle of the road, hitting my forehead against the door. The vehicle that twisted around me is long gone now, and I am thankful that most people are at work, and the streets aren't busy. I feel around my head, fingers moving gingerly. When I pull my hand away, there is red dripping down my wrist.
"Shit.. Now..?"
I whisper to myself, wiping the blood on my jeans. I drive slowly to the side of the road and park, quickly fixing the cut. How I cut my head on a smooth, intact window I have no idea, but it doesn't matter. I'm hurt, and now covered in the wine coloured substance. I shake my head around a bit as I finish fixing it up, and get back to driving, letting the little voice in the back of my head motivate me.
I finally return, and run in to wash my jeans a bit in the sink. Using the laundromat would be too suspicious, so a cheap clean will have to do. I take them off, and fill the sink with freezing water, considering throwing in the bar of hand soap in the shell shaped dish. I toss it in, hoping it will do something, when a rough knock comes from the doorway. Hesitantly, I tiptoe towards it, snatching a pistol from the bag I brought in. Back to door, I set my hand on the doorknob.
"Who is it?"
A voice says with a little bit of a bounce
"And Dean!"
Another voice says, a little farther away.
"Look you guys, I'm not sure how you found where I'm staying, but I can't let you in at the moment... I'm kinda busy!"
I say, looking to my bare legs. I curse in my head, wishing I brought some extra clothing to the room.
"Y/N, just let us in.. We need some help!"
"Look guys, I want to let you in but I REALLY can't right now!"
"Y/N what are you hiding?! Let us in!"
"Guys I'm serious. Just give me five minutes!"
There is a quick rattle of the door, and I step back, watching the door open.
They picked the lock! How dare they!
I think. I pull my shirt down so it covers as much of my thighs it can, and take a few more steps back as I blush.
Dean whistles, and I roll my eyes.
"I told you I was busy..."
Sam goes to try and speak, but stutters, and puts his hand over his eyes as his cheeks turn pink. He peeks through his fingers, and when Dean doesn't look away, he slaps his other hand over Dean's eyes. He finally talks, and it's quiet.
I let go of my shirt and play with my hair, hoping my underwear isn't visible.
"I got blood on my jeans, I'm washing them now. I just hit my head on the door of my car... Some jackass decided to dip in front of me. Don't worry about it, I already fixed the cut up."
"Don't you have other pants..?"
Sam says, his voice low.
"I don't personally mind it."
Dean says with a chuckle. I sigh, and pull Sam's hands from their faces.
"All my other clothes are in my car. I wasn't necessarily expecting any visitors."
I walk to the bathroom again, not caring about my state of clothing. Dean laughs again, leaning against the dirty blue wall.
"Still, do you really think that's appropriate to wear with people over?"
"Shut up, I didn't know you were coming, get off my back!"
Sam coughs awkwardly, and looks around the room, trying to avoid me.
"We came here to see if you wanted to go to a bar... Just to say thanks for taking care of that hunt for us. It's fine if you don't want to go though you seem... Uh... Occupied."
"No, it's fine I'll just finish up with my jeans and we can go... Just give me a few minutes. Make yourself at home I guess."
The brothers nod and walk towards my bed, and I head back into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.
I wash the blood out carefully, my heart beating quickly. The men whom I met only about two hours ago had just seen me with no pants on.. That'll be an interesting story someday. Sam seemed very uncomfortable though, nothing like Dean. I might need to ask him about that later. I finally get the pants clean, and squeeze as much water out of them as possible, then use some of the towels sitting on a rack to get some of the excess water from the legs. Slipping the jeans back on, I shiver at the cool material, and step out, but quickly hop back into the bathroom when I hear the boys talking. I keep the door open slightly, and slow my breathing.
"I don't know, I think Sammy might have a little crush!"
"No, Dean. I don't. I was only being respectful!"
"Sure, and turning into a freaking tomato has nothing to do with her legs?"
My legs? He was blushing because of my legs... Huh.
"I-it's just hot in here..."
"It was hotter outside."
I decide to step in, closing the door loudly so they'll know I'm done. I nod to acknowledge them, and grab a hair elastic off of the table, tying up my hair, and swiping some out of my face. I look down to my black t-shirt and light jeans, then to my worn running shoes. I look back to the brothers.
"Are these good to wear to a bar?"

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