Chapter 18: Cinnamon and Vanilla

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His face drops, wrinkles forming on his vessel's face.
My father's voice is smooth, and gentle now, oh so calming. Sam and Dean step back in pure shock, apparently enough to silence them completely. They hesitantly look at each other, and Dean quietly tiptoes out of the room. Dad lifts me up off of the floor and into his lap, cradling my face in his hand.
"I'm so, so sorry... I never meant for this to happen..."
He presses his forehead against mine, and a feeling of cool relief flows across my body. I am held against his chest, and I listen to his soft breathing that becomes rapid and choppy in moments. He's crying.
"I'm so sorry... I just wanted to send out a signal... I didn't think it would hurt you at all..."
He scoots back so he sits against the wall with me still cradled in his arms. I feel a little drowsy from the major healing that just took place, so I lean into his warmth.
"That was you," I say tapping my temple lightly. "in my head?"
My father nods shamefully, standing up whilst keeping his hands on my upper arms to keep me steady. The sluggishness drains out of my body.
"I never wanted it to hurt you. It was meant to be a feeling of tranquility but... I guess it got flipped somehow."
"It put me in Luci's domain."
He sorrowfully closes his eyes for a moment, thinking something through. I decide to speak again.
"Why did you leave me so early..? You came back for the other angels, and you taught Gabriel everything but you just told me how to heal minor wounds."
Dean walks back into the room and shrugs towards Sam, trying to communicate without words. The youngest brother doesn't understand the gesture. Meanwhile, my father and I continue to hold each other, tears falling from our vessel's faces to the wooden floor.
"I got too caught up here. I'll give you the knowledge just, stay still for a second."
I give him a grim smile, watching his right hand come up to my head. When he presses two fingers to my hairline, images and colourful symbols blur through my vision, feelings whirl around my thoughts. In the span of a millisecond, I've learned more than a thousand scholars could learn in a thousand lifetimes. From one touch. My Dad still has an unhappy look upon his face.
"Is... Something wrong?"
I question, my hand leaving his forearm.
"Why are you so... Upset with me?"
He asks, removing his own hands to twist them around. I now have the same disappointed look he does. We almost mirror each other completely, except I have loosely crossed my arms.
"I... Felt really neglected when I was growing out of my fledgling stage, and I think it impacted me really noticeably. You never came around anymore, and when you did and I had something to show you that I was proud of, something always went wrong. Like my dinosaurs."
He meekly grins.
"I knew I didn't make those. I'm not nearly that creative."
I blush.
"But when they were destroyed, you seemed so mad. That's when I think it started. It wasn't even my fault."
I exclaim, with a little bit of a tone. Dad loses the gleam in his eye.
"I-I think I owe you an apology. One a hell of a lot better than my last attempts."
His forwardness and language surprises me, so I raise my eyebrows. I will admit, I'm intrigued.
My father grins, eyes once again sparkling, small strands of hair falling onto his brow. He turns to Sam and Dean.
"Give us a minute, we'll be right back."

Blues and purples mix together above us, tiny white pinpricks popping out. An ancient birch tree grows next to us, high into the air. I gasp.
"This is-"
"Yeah. I doubt you remember it but I made sure--"
"That there would be a million, billion, trillion stars, and you would name those ones... after me."
I point to a cluster of stars that seem more than just the neutral white, but pale pinks and greens. Dad laughs, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yup. And I did. Or I will. But I need to clear something up. We are the only two beings on earth that can see those stars right now. Humans can't see far enough yet. Why don't you decide when they find them, and I'll... Nudge them in the right direction. Give them some pretty interesting name ideas. Like, oh I don't know... Maybe the Y/N Branch?"
With those words, the little lights twist gracefully, morphing into the rough shape of a tree. Specifically, the tree next to us. Again, tears drip from my eyes, down my face to the grass. I smile childishly.
"Can it be... Can it be tomorrow?"
I ask with round eyes I once saw Gabe use. My Dad exhales joyfully, almost chortling. He snaps before looking to me.
"We can check the news in the morning. But right now, we need to get back to those boys."
When we blink back to the bunker much more relaxed than before we left, we are rudely greeted by an argument between the two brothers. My father and I observe without saying a word to notify them of our presence. The two of them stand on the opposite side of the room not too far away, but they are clearly too engrossed in their quarrel to be aware of their surroundings.
Dean screams, face red with anger and frustration. Having to look up to his little brother doesn't seem to hinder his ability to be intimidating. Dad glances at me with a very unamused expression. He mouths, "Dean kissed you?" I nod, with an equally uninterested look. He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose in disbelief. The fight still rages on in front of us.
He's right, I wouldn't. Coming back to my family to fight her wasn't very fun, and almost getting erased from existence isn't actually super fun either. But one thing stands out in his sentence, and I just can't stop myself from correcting it. I take a small step forward and raise my hand up to my chest almost in a way that you would do in a classroom. My voice is almost a whisper.
"Technically Archangel, but--"
I stop myself from continuing when I get a chilling look from Dean. Dad just face palms. Completely understandable. Dean once again glares at his brother.
"And now, she's watching us fight! She isn't doing anything at all to stop this, are you even sure she cares about YOU!?"
The older brother stomps around the table, and Sam follows behind like a lost dog. He has calmed down, but Dean surely hasn't. The shorter brother advances toward me, and I feel real terror. He's going to hit me. Though I could do something, I won't. I will honestly avoid hurting him. Because I know that I have a sliver of hope for him, and he just might have a sliver of hope for me too. Somewhere deep, deep down. So I step backwards as far as I can, hitting a bookshelf. I turn my head towards to my father, but he just gives me a quizzical look as if to say, "Aren't you going to defend yourself?"
No, I'm not. Dean is just a few feet away now, walking with little speed. His fist is beginning to be raised, to be ready to attack me, or at least hit me with reasonable force. I squeeze my eyes shut, readying myself for the sound of ringing in my ears once more, but instead, a loud, bouncing sound of skin hitting skin erupts in front of my face. Or rather, an inch or two above my face. I open my eyes.

Sam stands in front of me, holding his brother's fist in one hand with all his usable strength.
"Dean, I really hope she does care about me, because I can't let you do that."
"Why the hell NOT?"

"I love her."

The room goes 100% soundless with those words, and Sam drops his brother's limb. I carefully touch the younger brother's shoulder, making it so he faces me and not the other two people in the room who are completely dumbfounded. My hands rest on the upper parts of his chest, just above the pockets on his flannel. His chestnut  coloured hair hangs around his chiseled jaw and cheekbones, highlighting his features. In this sound absent moment, I admire his eyes as I raise my head to see his face fully, my mouth slightly open, my own E/C eyes curious. His gleam with coppery browns and burnt oranges, tiny flecks of green splattered around. Sam's heart throbs through his shirt, and I can only assume that mine is the same. It's my turn to confess.
My father walks over in confusion.
"Okay, can we-- can we have a time out here? Please? Alright, cool. So, in the time that I've been back, which I remind you is only about an hour and a half, a few kinda concerning things have happened,"
He pinches his nose again, sighing.
"Apparently, my daughter, who I'm now seeing after a couple million years, has been kissed by a Winchester, almost hit by a Winchester, and is, I guess, a Winchester's crush. Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but that seems really messed up, and..."
Father stares at Sam and I still hovering very close to each other. He seems to lose tension, sighing again.
"Alright... Fine, just, ugh. Let me move to the other side of the room at least."
He walks over to the chair I once sat in to eavesdrop on the brothers. He waves his hand at the taller brother and I disinterestedly.
"Go ahead..."
He sets his head back on the chair and glares at the section of ceiling above him. I gaze into Sam's eyes once more.

"I love you too."

We kiss, his soft lips pressed against mine with passion, moving skillfully with me in our moment of happiness. The two of us pull back, dorky smiles on our now puffy lips.

He tastes like cinnamon and vanilla.

Sam Winchester x Reader: Together (A Supernatural Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now