Chapter 15: Casualties

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Jeans on and jacket zipped, I head out of the bunker with my machete clasped to my belt. My dagger accompanies it, and various other weapons already sitting in the trunk of my usual car. I inhale happily at the edge of the road.
My reliable barracuda still awaits me on the road, shimmering in the morning light I absorb. Nature almost glows in this heat, petals on tiny wildflowers glisten with ever shrinking dew drops. I hop into my car with ease, immediately pulling away from the building. The bunker's location is written down in a notebook I have in the backseat so I won't forget it. My car's roaring engine sparks adventure in my soul, nurturing it, and I turn on the stereo. A long drive awaits me.
The case Sam and I found is in Beatrice Nebraska, with all of the signs of a vampire nest. We've estimated that there has to be at least five vamps, but there could be many more. Thankfully, I'm experienced in this and I'll be able to take them out quickly.
Maybe the Winchesters are rubbing off on me more than I thought..
I continue driving, the music blaring in my ears and stones ricocheting off of my barracuda's grill. My favourite band sings the lyrics I've heard hundred of times before. Their music has definitely changed my life.
It's all so tranquil in the country, no people for miles, and no monsters to wound, maim, or kill those non-existent people. Pure emptiness. As I drive the quiet road, my mind drifts away to the job again.
We confirmed three women and two men in the nest, the man with a distinct tattoo on his left forearm. Ironically enough, it's a sword that runs up his skin in shades of cayenne red and black. His hair is a deep brown and the women are varying hair colours as they obviously dye it frequently, but the man does not. I blink back to the road and swerve awkwardly into line with the ditches. Beatrice is a nice town too, it only has about 12000 people in it, and none of them deserve what may happen. If there is more than five vamps, they could take down as many people as they want for as long as they want without any major consequences because chances are, they've turned at least a few high up citizens in their town. My phone rings loudly in the passenger seat and I grab it to answer.
"Hey, this is Sam. How are you feeling?"
I keep one hand on the wheel, and lean back a few inches.
"Wait, are you driving right now? Where are you going?"
"I'm, ah, I'm going to do the vamp case we found. The one in Beatrice."
The line goes quiet. For a moment, I wonder if he hung up. His voice returns.
"Do you have enough weapons?"
It's quiet again.
"Are you going to try your thing with them..?"
"I think so. If that doesn't turn out well, they're going to have to be put down."
"Okay. I have to go, Dean is trying to talk to me. Good luck, bye."
I chew on my soft bottom lip with my teeth and pause to see if he stayed.
"Thank you. For... You know, calling me."
"Yup. Bye"
I toss the phone behind me carelessly, turning to the right to avoid a hole, wondering what possessed Sam to call.
Instead of dwelling on the subject, I turn up my music louder and prepare for the remainder of the ride.

"Alright, miss. Have a nice stay."
I take the room key from the old woman's wrinkled hand, smiling at her before walking to the elevator. Capri Inn caught my attention in the paper I grabbed from the corner store I passed, and I see why. It's cozy, warm too. I enter my hotel room and lock the door immediately behind me, the elevator ride up was slightly uncomfortable due to a man suspiciously watching me from behind his phone. But now, as I unload my laptop and weapons from their bags, I realize I had no reason to be afraid at all. My bottle of holy water slips out onto the sheets, and I perform my normal ritual at hotels.
1. Cover a pillow in holy water
2. Place it in one particular spot in the room
3. Wait for the next day to see if it made it to the bed or was thrown down
A simple process of checking for demons, really. Occasionally there are even hand prints on the fabric. I know it's efficient because what's the point of having only a few demons in the staff? It would just be a waste. So, they would take over everyone who has a part in caring for the building, and they would have complete power over what's happening in it. Whether that be killing hunters or just catching them, it would work better. Just to be safe, I put a line of glue across the bottom of the window, sprinkling salt across it afterwards. Hopefully the cleaners won't see it until after I'm gone. Retrieving my laptop from the end of my bed, I drop into an armchair to review the case for any changes. My heart drops when the page loads, the deep black print on the page scares me.
8 casualties.
Last night.
Unsurprisingly, they were all, 'mysteriously drained of blood'. It's definitely the nest, but what strikes me as odd is the number. Why would they drain 8 people? Why do they need that much blood at once? Are they building up stock for something? The new, horrifying words mix together, and my head throbs painfully. But, the feeling is gone as soon as it came. I close the computer and lay back against the plush chair. I've been having some very short flashes of pain recently, and I'm not sure why. But I do know this, I will NEVER let it come between me and my job. With that thought, I walk to my bed and drop down, slipping past my gory memories into a fuzzy slumber.

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