Chapter 21: Burn

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Again, the three of us pull up to a small bar. A neon sign glimmers against a worn exterior. However, we don't turn away. Dean enters first, then Sam, whom holds the door for me. I nod and thank him soundlessly with a smile. He returns it. There in front of us, sitting alone at the bar is Metatron. The scribe grins, raising a finger.
"Three for my friends."
He stands, giving me a side hug.
I reply, returning the gesture and sitting down on a stool near him. The few other patrons in the bar look up momentarily to see us, but soon go back to their drinks. Sam and Dean take the seats closest to Metatron on each side, and I sit next to the youngest brother. We smile when the bartender slides beers toward us. Dean tips back the bottle, taking a large swig before turning to the scribe.
"So. You've been talking to... Him?"
Metatron says mildly. The eldest brother answers.
"Yeah. He's gonna help us fight Amara."
"He said that? Those exact words?"
Replies the scribe, slightly uninterested. I sip on my own drink.
"Something along the lines, yeah. Why?"
Sam inquires, furrowing his brow. I can tell their 'friendship' is shaky.
"Oh, no no. It's just, I don't think he's gonna do that."
"Oh yeah? And why should we believe you?"
The older Winchester grumbles. He drinks again before staring at Metatron with pure distaste.
"You don't really need to believe me. But you guys should probably read this."
He reaches into a bag at his side, fumbling around with something in the shadows. The item is dropped on the counter without alerting anyone but us. I read the title on the first page.

God: An Autobiography

"What is this, 'The Bible II?'"
I question, picking up my beer again, waiting for his response.
"No, it's a suicide note."
I choke.
Sam pats my back carefully, allowing me to breath normally. He then looks back to the man next to him.
He whispers.
"Yeah. Despite all the typos and grammar mistakes... I know what he's gonna do. He's going to trade himself for you guys. Everything he's ever made. His creations."
Metatron sighs, running his fingers through his hair. I lean forward.
"You've got to be kidding. Really, please tell me you're kidding. First I find out my brothers are missing or dead, and now you're telling me my Dad is going to KILL HIMSELF? What the hell am I supposed to do here? Wh- do you expect me to accept this? T- to go about my day without acknowledging this? His plans? Please, enlighten me here, I'd really like to know what the FUCK I'm going to do without anyone. Sure, Dad was never really there but at least he was alive. Now I'm supposed to go on knowing that he is dead after reuniting? I just- I just--"
Sam wraps his arm around me in a form of consolation. With a now relaxed exhale, I stare at Metatron with confusion. His face is twisted up in sadness.
"What do you want me to do..?"
I whimper, grabbing a handful of Sam's shirt in a fist. He drops his head to hide shame. Dean gently hits Metatron in the shoulder with the back of his hand to get his much needed attention.
"Well, you heard her. What are we supposed to do with this? Why are you trying to... 'Help?'"
"Look. I've been by that guy's side almost since the beginning. I've followed pretty much every command he's given me, and been on his side in almost every argument. But this is just too far. And if there's anything I can do to help him, and her,"
He mentions, pointing directly at me.
"-then I'm going to do it."
We glance between each other, eyeing the stack of pages in front of us. Sam slips his arm away from me. I voice my thoughts.
"Keep it."
Metatron says, sounding surprised.
"Keep it. The book. Nobody should ever have to read that or see what's inside."
"But Y/N at least you should--"
"No. I don't want to see a single letter of a single word on any page in that book. Take it and never let anyone see the contents."
"Y/N, listen to me. What if your father asks to see it?"
I listen to his words before taking a second to think.
"Burn it right in front of his face."
I stand and walk out of the bar, beer unfinished.

The bunker is almost empty when we arrive, Donatello seems to be in the room we assigned him and my Father is nowhere to be seen. However, a note has been taped to the wall next to the stairwell.

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