Chapter 9: A Lifetime Ago

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Hours later, our two cars pull up to a hidden cement door off a beaten dirt road. I get out, as do the boys.
"What are we doing here? This place looks like some sort of slaughterhouse..."
"Well, after you and I hung up a little while ago, Dean decided we might as well show you the bunker."
Sam says, fixing his hair. I slam my door shut and walk slowly towards them.
"What kind of bunker? Fallout?"
Dean smiles devilishly and closes both of their doors, after pulling out a bag from the back seat. He adjusts the strap on his shoulder, then looks to me.
"Men of Letters."
"What the hell is that? Sorry for the questions, but I'm really confused..."
Sam grabs the bag from Dean, and they walk towards the mysterious door.
"Dean and I are legacies. Our grandfather was a part of this organization, the Men of Letters. They knew pretty much everything about supernatural beings in the world, how to kill them, trap them, or even heal them."
"What do you mean by heal? Again, sorry."
"It's fine. There are different ways that you can fix a monster and turn them back into a human, but usually, it's pretty tough. If a person was turned into a vamp and hasn't fed yet, they can be healed. If you inject a demon with blessed blood over the course of a few hours, it can be healed. That sort of thing."
"I never knew that, that's pretty cool. But that still doesn't explain why these guys needed a bunker for their work."
I follow the boys, and we reach the door. Dean pulls it open and casually walks inside, Sam following behind him. Hesitantly, I go in. I let out an unrestrained gasp looking down into the building. Technology from years ago lines the walls, and further in that technology turns into dark wood bookshelves accompanied by plush chairs and tables. Hallways branch off from the various spaces around me.
Sam hops down the stairs beside his brother, and puts the bag next to the bottom of them. I go down the stairs as well and twirl around, looking at the architecture. I hear a cough and stop, blowing strands of hair away from my mouth.
"Sorry about that."
"You apologize too much."
I blush.
"Yeah, well... I feel like I should. I'm just gaping at your home and not even saying anything so..."
The taller brother grins, looking down to the floor, then back to me.
"Ready for the tour?"
Dean waits at a door, and Sam and I go over to meet him. He pushes it open. There seems to be a large amount of fast food wrappers and cups sitting on the metal countertops.
"This is the kitchen... We spend more time researching in it than we do eating, but whatever."
"Well, I can cook."
Dean stared at me, wide-eyed.
"Can you make pie...?"
Sam face palms, groaning.
"He only ever talks about pie when there's people around. It's weird."
I ponder Dean's question.
"Probably, I do bake sometimes."
Dean removes his eyes from me and claps, following that by rubbing his hands together.
"She's staying. Let's show her the rest of the place."
Dean places a hand on my upper back and guides me to another room, and I hear Sam exhale when Dean lets me go.
The shorter brother opens a door. A simple bed sits in the middle, and
A wardrobe is on one side, different objects hang and lean against the other.
"This is my room. You may be seeing more of it."
He winks with a smirk. I look to Sam and be rolls his eyes, then guiding me away from the bedroom. He opens a new door. Another plain bed and wardrobe are inside, but there is a lot less customization that I can notice. The wall decorations are sparse.
"This is MY room. And you don't have to see anymore of it."
He says, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. Dean scoffs, and murmurs something under long breaths. I face him.
"Did you say something?"
"Hm? Oh, no. Nothing at all."
Furrowing my brow, I look to Sam, my expression softening.
"Anything else important I need to see?"
"Well, there's the bathrooms. But I don't think they're something I need to show you, they aren't hard to find."
We look to Dean, and he stops groaning.
"Sammy, the garage...."
Sam snaps his fingers, and quickly begins walking in a different direction. He yells once he's a good distance down the hall.
"Come on Y/N! Dean can go out and find us some food or something while I finish showing you around!"
His brother shouts back.
"Hey! Who says that I need to go out AGAIN!?"
"I did! Now go!"
The older brother sighs, and then twists to face the direction we came from to start walking away. He starts moving incredibly slow, muttering rude things. But among them, there is a quiet 'alone with Y/N'. Tripping over my own feet, I hurriedly trot after Sam. I catch up to him soon.
"Now look at this."
He says, shoving a large door open, then holding it that way, ushering me in. We stand atop a small platform, with stairs leading down to an array of cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles. They all look as if they're from the 40s, which may be very true considering the state of everything else in the building. The two of us head down, and wander around the different models.
"Do you know how old these are?"
I ask Sam, dragging my fingertips along an old red car. Layers of dust come off in three distinct lines. He answers with a shrug, then with some airy, far off words.
"They're old, I know that. They were parked here a lifetime ago, when they may have been top of the line, class a, perfect. However you want to say it."
I nod, then set myself down inside of a pale blue car. I use my other hand to carefully write 'Y/N's new ride' in cursive on the dash, moving more dust onto my skin. Sam chuckles from outside.
"Well, I guess you're claiming this car?"
I step out, and lean against the vehicle.
"Oh yeah."
The two of us laugh together, and end up looking at the dirt and grime lain around the windows.
"Maybe we should clean this up."
I say, pushing myself off the metal. Sam inches closer.
"We could, if you want to..."
He is very close to me now, and I gulp, sidestepping to my left, avoiding his brown eyes dripping with curiosity. I brush my hands up and down my pants, and over my lower back, getting dust off feverishly. I begin walking back towards the stairs, and then I shout to Sam.
"Great! We can work on it in a bit. But first, I need to find one of those bathrooms to get the rest of this dust off!"
I jog through the door, quietly chanting,
"Don't look back. Don't look back."
I turn corners and move down winding hallways and eventually find a bathroom. I lock the door, then stare at myself in the mirror.
"Was he going to kiss me?"
I moan, and sink my head into my hands. What is going on..?

Sam Winchester x Reader: Together (A Supernatural Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now