Chapter 11: Life

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The impala pulls up to a dark shut down building with a small, empty parking lot in front of it. Only dim street lights break up the shadows on the road that no cars occupy. The three of us exit the car, and stand together, inspecting our weapons.
"So the murder that was caught on camera happened here?"
I ask, dragging my finger along the edge of my dagger, stopping at the handle.
"Yeah. And according to some of the online newspapers we read, this place might go out of business because of the son of a bitch that killed those people. Since the shop is probably going to close, it may be an okay hideout for the shifter. Not too many people, quiet at night."
Dean says, positioning an extra gun in the back of his pants. Sam is doing the same, and has a dagger similar to mine as well in the side of his right shoe. I sheath my weapons, and look to the brothers.
"Do you want to split up or go at it together?"
I question, stepping towards the shop ever so slightly, turning my head up to admire the stars overhead.
"We can split up. It's only one shifter, so scream if you're gonna die."
Dean comments. He stores his weapons in his jacket, and then stares up at the sky along with me. Sam's hands are free, and soon he too joins our comfortable silence. The sky almost seems to glow with the pale moonlight we drink in. Stars are scattered to an infinity, some clustered forming constellations I just barely remember my father telling me the names of. A faint purple haze sits behind one of the star clusters. I quietly sigh, and whisper to myself, or maybe even the gorgeous blanket above us.
"Seeing how small and insignificant we are compared to those stars and planets can be a little unnerving. But it also gives us a purpose. To work hard and push ourselves eventually, we too, can be like the stars above our heads."
I mumble with a shake of my head. I salute the brothers before heading to the building. My nails dig into my palm when I reach the door.
"Calm before the storm..."
I whisper, and I quickly break through the door, so quickly I'm sure nobody could have seen. I wouldn't expect people to care too much about this place if what Dean says is true, so my mind wanders away from the shattered lock. When I reach the middle of a large room, I look around, squinting in the shadows. From the merchandise I can see that this is a gift shop of some type. A table, however, is on its side blocking an entrance off to the left, and I make a mental note on the scene. I continue through the area, cautiously avoiding corners and columns. After some time I make it to a storage room, and look horrified at the remnants of the shifter's last... Skin.
'It must've seen one of us come in and took advantage of it.'
I think, nudging the mush with the toe of my shoe. It could be any of us, and that isn't good. If it changed to me, and I was found by Dean, it would turn out bad. If it changed into one of the brothers and was found by the other one, they might be trusted much too easily. I halt my thoughts when a small tap comes from behind a display.

Stereotypical horror movie plot. Great.

I hop back into the main room, and set one hand over my dagger, and ball the other one into a fist, the one with the silver ring. Getting closer and closer, there is another small tap. I reach the sound after a few stressful seconds. Peeking around, I see Sam kneeling on the ground, picking up postcards that must have fallen off of the nearby shelf. He stands and looks at me sheepishly.
"What are you doing..?"
I say, shuffling back. I keep hold of my dagger, but unclench my empty hand. Sam seems to avoid eye contact.
"I knocked these over and figured we're already gonna screw the place up, might as well keep something neat, you know..?"
He mumbles, already suspicious. Sam comes closer to me, brushing his hand across my shoulder...
The wrong shoulder.
His eyes seem to widen when I remove my dagger from its sheath.
"Woah, what are you doing?"
'Sam' stumbles back, pushing some objects onto the floor, breaking them. I lunge towards him, latching onto his bicep. He angrily shoves me off, barreling away in a different direction. I sprint after him, sliding across tables for shortcuts. The shifter turns into a room labeled, 'Staff'. I slow down to listen to strained grunts from inside the room, and a large thud. The table was moved, either by the shifter or one of the brothers. Dagger out, I tiptoe inside. Sam is holding... Sam against the wall.
The more dominant Sam shouts. The one against the wall follows.
This situation could almost be comical. I look back and forth between the two of them, inspecting their attire. The Sam closest to me is missing the dagger in his shoe, but the one against the wall has one. I lift my own weapon higher, and step closer.
"You know this will break our promise we made, right?"
I say, standing next to the two of them. The Sam against the wall seems confused, but then it looks as if a light bulbs turns on in his mind. The other hungrily encourages me to get closer with wide eyes.
"Yes, yes I know! Just kill the shifter!"
The Sam against the wall stays silent while the clone digs his fingers further into his torso. There is no promise between Sam and I, but only me and the real one know that, and it's obvious who it is know. I speed walk closer and reel my arm back before sending it towards the captured one's chest, blade on an angle. I see fright wash over him in tidal waves. At the last second, I flick my wrist back in my direction and step behind the shifter, pulling him close to me while the dagger slices into his chest and pierces his heart. We rock side to side, and I close my eyes, pulling myself up to almost rest my head against the shifter's cheek. The warm feeling of blood gushes over my hand and drips onto the floor, yet it isn't just the shifter's blood. I drop the body and look down to my own chest slowly. A jagged gash runs across it, my blood starting to seep out of it at a rapid pace. My breathing quickens, my confidence turning to surprise, or even fear. I collapse to the ground, dropping my dagger and thrashing my arms for seconds before taking a deep breath and placing my hands against the wound. My vision is dizzy. Before I can repair the cut at all, Sam- the real Sam- scoops me into his arms and cradles me against him. My head tilts to the side and I catch a glimpse of Dean standing in the door with his gun in hand. I listen to Sam's frantic heartbeats that shake his whole body. A silent nod is exchanged between the brothers before Dean rushes in and picks up my dagger, then helps Sam and I to the impala. We crash into the back seat, rocking the car. Before I know it, we're on the road heading back to what I assume is the bunker. Sam patches up the wound up even though his hands shake like a frightened animal.
"Y/N... You saved my life."
He says to me. Dean looks at us over through the gap between the front seats. I nod weakly, just barely moving and other part of my body. My E/C eyes are probably very glassy.
"I guess I did."
"You didn't even hesitate. You seem so casual but... But you let it out on the shifter. Thank you."
A smile forms on my face, now ever so pink from blushing.
"Yeah. No problem."
Sam leans back against the door, tossing something onto the passenger seat.
"Your cut is okay now. I bandaged it and everything else."
We stare at the roof of the car, and suddenly, Sam is lifting me to lay against him. My blood still stains his shirt in several places. He seems to notice the wonder dancing across my features.
"It'll be a lot more comfy  than sitting against my shoes. Just saying."
He nudges me up again, and now my head sits in the crook of his neck. The air is tense for a few minutes, but sleep soon takes me and I drift into darkness against this amazing man, and friend.

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