the signs studying for Finals

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Aries:workingdiligently and quickly, getting everything done but still not feeling A-worthy

Taurus: studies for a while, talks for a while, studies for a while, states into space for a while

Gemini: studies hard but constantly groaning and cursing life

Cancer: tries to study but gets so nervous about studying and the actual test that they don't really study

Leo: thinks they don't need to study so they just kind of goof off and decide to wing it

Virgo: *erease entire page of notes because their handwritting didn't look good*

Libra: studying???? lol???? what's that???

Scorpio: distracting everyone by making them laugh and cracking jokes

Sagittarius: trying to work, but gets distracted every once in a while by talking to people

Capricorn: so focused on the paper thet the whole goddamn world could explode and they would still be memorizing what asymptotes are

Aquarius: studying for a while but gets distracted by Scorpio and engages in strange humor talk

Pisces: actually tries but eventually finds their sketchbook and starts drawing Pepe to perfection

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora