The signs' "types"

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*use Venus signs as well as sun

Aries: athletic, usually blondes, green eyes (thise who like females like around the 5'5-5'7 range, boys around 6'0+)

Taurus: intelligent, usually brunettes, curly hair (likes female 4'11-5'3, likes males 5'10+)

Gemini: intellignet, freckles, day-to-day talkers (no height type)

Cancer: nice, cute. no physical "type". likes clingy

Leo: supportive, quirky, spoilers. (likes girls, cuddle height. likes guys, taller than them)

Virgo: hopeful, big dreamers. generally attractive. (likes girls, shorter than them. likes guys like an entire foot taller than them they do not play games)

Libra: conversationalists, "true neutrals", very "odd" physical affliction, usually a darker aesthetic. (no physical)

Scorpio: adventurous, brave, quirky, interesting, sexual. (likes eyes with depth, has not height preference)

Sagittarius: adventurous, quirky, interesting, funny. (likes a huge height difference). (likes girls strong and independant. likes guys able to pick them up and also independent.

Capricorn: someone who they can depend on, but need them as well. someone with depth. someone to listen to. (must be generally attractive, or high on their own personal attractive scale. height doesn't matter, usually likes blue eyes)

Aquarius: quirky, dependable (but will also depend on them), selfless, interesting. (no physical needs, other than being able to go do random stuff and has eyes with depth)

Pisces: dreamy, interesting, artistic, creative. likes eyes that change color AND have depth. high expectations in personality and how they treat them, that must be met.

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