signs aesthetics based on people (I know)

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Aries: red lipstick, leather jackets and combat boots

Taurus: loose denim pants, sunflowers and converse

Gemini: bubblegum, high waisted shorts and plants

Cancer: messy hair, the ocean and clean bedsheets

Leo: hot pink, high heels and glossy hair

Virogo: cats, smudged mascara and live performance

Libra: pink lipgloss, cotton candy and blush

Scorpio: lace, cigarettes and stargazing

Sagittarius: long hair, road trips and mountains

Capricorn: balck coffee, matte lipstick and straight hair

Aquarius: baseball caps, glitter and planets

Pisces: dreamcatchers, light hair and big eyes

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora