good qualities of the rising signs

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Aries: you look powerful and sexy, with an edge of passion and intimidation. no one will want to mess with you, but they won't be able to keep their eyes off you.

Taurus: you have a serene, intoxicating beauty about you, but you're good at slipping into the shadows. it's easy for you to evade people and situations.

Gemini: there's a fox-like quality to you that is absolutely irresistible; you are effortlessly charming and good at getting secrets out of people.

Cancer: you have an almost unearthly beauty to you. even on your worst days, there is something angelic about you.

Leo: you are warm and personable but exciting; it's not a safe beauty, it's an eletric one. you are easy to talk to but hard to befriend, which is sexy.

Virgo: you come off as intelligent but mysterious, and people are drawn to that. you make someone want to know more about you.

Libra: you are effortlessly elegant and charming; you're laugh is like a bubbling spring, it's irrestible. you are friendly but not intoxicating.

Scorpio: you command attention, you are fierce and darkly beautiful. there is undeniable power to you that is both daunting and alluring.

Sagittarius: you are an intriguing blend of philosophical and free-spirited. you have the most stunning smile. you draw people in likea moth to light!

Capricorn: you appear serious and intelligent but your humour is to die for. you are intense and seductiv, you are captivating.

Aquarius: your eyes are wide and intelligent, your smile is bewitching. you have a bewithching, quirky aura. you're individualistic but approachable.

Pisces: you appear artistic and charming. you are unpredictable, you change like the tide; you intrigue and capture many hearts because you are so multi-faceted!

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora