what the signs remind me of

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Aries: Fire, king size beds, asian food, friends, smirks, nice cars, glass

Taurus: forests, drums, beanies, content feeling, dreamy, dogs, bonfires, waves crashing against rocks

Gemini: rain, board games, cigarettes, birds, underground parties, rock concerts, freckles, puffs of air

Cancer: mermaids, newborn babies, the mom friend, hearth, nose crinkles, blush, intimates moments, laughing until it hurts

Leo: gold, vanity, plump lips, winged eyeliner, loyalty, sleek, power, mountains

Virgo: libraries, Harry Potter, Netflix, gossip, rubber bands, reluctant love, messy buns

Libra: giggles, catsles, shamless flirting, uncomfortable silences, lobster, expensive restaurants, back roads, money

Scorpio: leather, red lips, candles, messy hair, comfortable silences, video chats, winks, fiery sunsets

Aquarius: books, driving with the window down, memes, sand, tapestries, Polaroids, spectacles, carnivals

Sagittarius: marble, stars, vacant hotels, pillars, wildfire, nervous fidgeting, ponytails, poker faces

Capricorn: sideways glances, singing as loud as you can, snow blanketing pine trees, coffee, electric blankets, classic movies, the '50s, whispers

Pisces: the beach, summer, pepperoni pizza, blanket forts, alcohol, bows, clouds, youth

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora