observations of the signs

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Aries: they are passionate, emotional, and outspoken they can come across as rude because of how strong their personalities and opinions can be. they aren't good with patience and their anger is intense. not only is their anger intense, but all of their feelings are- love, fear, happiness, etc. their intensity can be both a blessing and a curse. they like to do things their way, not yours.

Taurus: they are very charming and witty. They will always stand up for themselves and the ones they love. loyalty is important to them. they are stubborn and tend to have a tough demeanor, but they also have a sensitive side. they don't believe in giving up and they have a huge appreciation for the little things in life. if they want something, they will do everything they can to get it.

Gemini: they love to laugh and make others people laugh. geminis are some of the funniest people I know. their minds are so vivid and colorful but this can lead to complex thoughts and overthinking. since they're so upbeat it can be hard to tell when tehy're feeling down, and they don't like to burden anyone with their problems. I love to hear their opinions and advice because they view the world in such a unique way with such an open mind. they're a breath of fresh air.

Cancer: they have two completely different sides to them. one day they are loving and kind, but another day they lock themselves away from the world. they would rather take a risk and give everything to someone they love than only halfheartedly be with someone. they usually know what's best for you because their intuition is so accurate. they can be clingy in realationship and they need reassurance a lot because their insecurities haunt them.

Leo: their confidence makes them so beautiful. sometimes they cross the line between confidence and arrogance, though. they have a powerful and intimidating presence. I've always admired how much they believe in themselves and others. they have big hearts, too. always giving and never ask,g for anything in return. they like to motivate you and help you succeed, but sometimes they need a little help too, even if they won't admit it;

Virgo: they are some of the most talented and smart people I know. they love to share their knowledge with others. they can see right through you because they have uncanny way of observing proper and their surroundings. they are perfectionists and they often strain themselves too much to make things perfect, and they underestimate themselves. sometimes they loose sleep because they tend to worry about every little thing they can think of.

Libra: they love to please others. they want to be liked by everyone and they want to make everyone happy, but they have a hard time realizing that this isn't always possible. talking to them is very comforting and always make you feel better because they are so good at listening. they believe strongly in the good of people and humanity. very rarely do they have bad intentions, but not everyone sees their good intentions as good;

Scorpio: they aren't always good at showing the ones they love that they love them. they don't like to talk about their emotions and feelings, but they like to talk about yours. they are fighters- they will fight for relationships, what they believe in, and for themselves. they have passion for what love that is almost otherworldly. they know a lot that you probably don't, and they are good at making you believe something they want you to believe.

Sagittarius: the best compliments come from a Sagittarius but so do the worst insults. their honesty is one of their most prominent traits. they are funny and like to make people laugh, but they are also extremely intelligent. they have a thirst for knowledge and they love to learn. the world is theirs. sometimes they feel lost because they want to do so many different things.

Capricorn: they often feel misunderstood. their thoughts are all over the place and they're not the best at explaining how they feel to others. they want to be the best at what they do so they will put every ounce of themselves into something in order to come out on top. they are quiet but their minds aren't. it's difficult for them to let others into their little worlds, but I promise befriending them is worth it. they are funny people with goo hearts and are always loyal to the ones they love.

Aquarius: they are quirky and interesting people. conversations with them will stimulate your mind. they like to socialize but they also like to be by themselves. I find them to be equally introverted and extroverted, which can cause some inner conflict. their creativity and independence is something I've always envied about them. they know how to rely on themselves and have a hard time trusting others.

Pisces: some of the sweetest and purest people I know. I think they understand the world a little more than any other sign. you can talk to them about anything and they will make you feel understood. they are so sensitive and they take a lot of things to heart, so they don't handle insults well. what they say when they're angry is what they hold back from saying when they're calM;

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