Harry Potter spells

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Aries:                           "bombarda maxima"  -creates an explosion

Taurus:                      "imperio"  -controls the opponent

Gemini:                     "silencio"    -mutes the opponent

Cancer:                     "protego"      -barrier that offers protection

Leo:                            "expelliarmus"   -disarmes the opponent

Virgo:                        "episkey"             -heals wounds

Libra:                        "cantis"                 -makes the victim sing uncontrollably

Scorpio:                    "avada kedavra" (of course)            -kills the opponent

Sagittarius:             "alohomora"         -unlocks doors

Capricorn:              "reparo"                    -repairs broken things

Aquarius:                "aparecium"            -makes invisible ink readable

Pisces:                     "obliviate"                -erases memory

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora