Lies told by the signs

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Aries:   "I'm not scared"

Taursu:  "I have no room for dessert"

Gemini:  "don't worry I won't tell anyone"

Cancer:  "I'm not upset" *on the verge of tears*

Leo:  "no I'm not jealous"

Virgo  "oh wow, that's so interesting" *has already read Wikipedia article a year ago about the topic and know more than you*

Libra:  "you're my greatest friend" *said this to 10+ people*

Scorpio: "I don't give a fuck"

Sagittarius:  "nah, nah, it's all legal dw"

Capricorn:  "I don't know" *they do, they just don't care enough to explian*

Aquarius:  "sorry" *not sorry*

Pisces:  "I'm on my way" *still in bed*

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora