note to the signs

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Aries: you bring so much light to people. You're so alive and movable, not afraid of being themselves and you're so endearing when it counts. I really love spending time with you because you make me so brave, yet so loved. You teach people how to make a change.

Taurus: you might be so impatient and angry sometimes, but you care about me. You're so calm and soft, I love your voice and the way of speaking. Wise. You make me wonder about things and why they're like that, you're charming.

Gemini: you're so real, I love you for being yourself, being honest and authentic. I absolutely love your jokes and how you don't get tire of my foolish sarcasm. You always look me in the eyes and tell the truth, I love it.

Cancer: you're so pleasing, soft and calming. You might be melancholic sometimes, but I love your everything. Sometimes you get tired of everything: the people, joking and being fake, but you're still the nicest. You help me understand things and love everything the way it is.

Leo: you're so bad ass, I've always been jealous for that. You always keep it cool, tell the loveliest jokes. You're really communicative and confident. Sometimes you forget who you're really and think too much, but you're the one who makes me smile at the end of the day.

Virgo: I love the little things you memorize. You always remember tiny details about me, I'm glad you listened. Sometimes you're too cynical, although, you're really caring. You care about people a lot, it's lovely.

Libra: sometimes I don't get you, cause you're not real and trying to be someone else, but it's cause you love people. You don't want to be rude to people and argue because of ridiculousthings like interests or hobbies. A hopeless romantic. Tells he is a realist but tends to dream a lot.

Scorpio: you're so afraid and you don't trust people, you just need to let them in.I love you, cuase you love me and care about me, but why won't you let people in. You're so introverted, lost in your thoughts, but I love how cool you play it.

Sagittarius: you're so extroverted and talkable. I love you mind, you love art, music and science. You really love a lot of things, for some reasonyou don't show it a lot. You spend a lot of time judging but I love you, cause you made me love myself and not afraid of who I am.

Capricorn: dear capricorn, why hiding so much? You're such a lovely person, you smile a lot and helm me, but if you feel down, tell me. People do care about you, start noticing it. Flaws aren't that important, we all have them. I love you, cause you care about the world and the things that are going on.

Aquarius: you're so awkward and cute, you seem so tired sometimes, but people are so attracted to you. You love speaking, you love being ideal. Sometimes you care too much about what other people think, but you should be yourself, you're really cute.

Pisces: you're the absence of art, of being alive. Dreamy, melancholic. Sometimes you over-react to things, make a huge deal but you're one I talk to at 3AM. You love everything and everyone. I love that.

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora