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I wake up and get dressed into one of my many new outfits. Something easy to move in. In this case some skinny jeans and a hoodie that says 'Aye He's Mine.'  Along with my new favorite pair of converse that all black and of course my arrow ring.

Today we are doing some competition. Uriah said it was paintball mixed with capture the flag and that everyone will be divided into two teams. They better watch out because I'm quick and a really good spy. In the compound I'm always finding places to climb and sneak around.

I walk out of the room to go eat breakfast real quick. Uriah's still sleeping but I'm sure I'll meet him later. After all he has to pass the initiation too and obviously he'll pass. I eat a bowl of cereal and a green apple and walk to the training room.

Our training teacher is there. His name's Four. Like the number. What? Who name's their child Four. Like Aww Four's four!

"Today as some of you may know we are playing capture the flag which is a tradition here." Four starts. "This tradition is played every year with the old and new initiates. Follow me." He takes to a place with old carnival games like a farris wheel and a merry go round. It's still dark outside so I can easily sneak around.

"Okay! Four and I will choose the people for our teams now!" Eric's voice booms. They begin choosing people. I'm too excited to care really.

"Jon!" Eric says." Lynn!" "Lauren!" "Marlene!" This goes on for a while. "Addyson!" Four calls. I look and see that Eric just called Uriah over to his team. Yes! I'm totally going to dominate this game! We head over to the merry go round and everybody sits.

"Okay! We need a plan! You four are going to be attacking and shooting. You three are going to try to distract them while Lynn, Marlene and I try to capture the flag. Oh and Four and Zeke are in charge of shooting Eric." I say loudly because we are going to win this if it kills me. I'm very competitive.

"Why should we listen to you!?" Some stupid boy asks. "Ya!" A girl adds. "Do you want to win or not!?" I get a mumble of people saying win. "Okay then! Lets go! I'm going to climb up there to look around." I gesture to the farris wheel. " I'll go with you just in case." Four says. "Okay. You guys just move in shadows don't waste all your amo!" I start to run towards the wheel and climb in between all the bars and cars. 

I notice Four is really behind and like dying of breath. "Are you okay back there?" I ask and glance back at him. "How," He takes a big gulp. "How h-high do you think this is?" He asks. Aww he's afraid of heights. "Are you afraid of heights?" I ask knowing the answer. "No." "Don't even try. you seem to forget I was in Candor and I know your lying." I say with a smirk. "Then why'd you ask?" He asks clearly a bit irritated. "To give you a hard time." I say with a small laugh. We hop into a car that's stopped at the top.

"Bingo! They're over by the edge of the forest!" I say excited. " Wow. You really want to win don't you?" He asks. "Yep! Now lets get down." I say standing up rocking the car a bit. "We just got up here. Lets take a rest before I have another heart attack." He says and I laugh.

After a while of talking like five minutes about our fears sorta well I mainly talk about mine, we climb down. We run towards the edge of the forest and through a maze. We find our team scattered out and I notice that the flag is right on the edge of the forest.

I notice all the trees and figures behind them.

"Don't move. It's a trap. I'm going to jump from tree to tree and steal the flag. This is the signal," I make a bird call. "Until I make that call, don't attack." I then sneak off.

 The flag is right in front of a tree. I go to a tree so know one can see me and climb up it. They're nice trees with big, thick branches and all the trees are close enough that I can jump from tree to tree.

Once I'm up the tree I can see all the figures better. Luckily the paintball guns have straps on them so I can use both hands.

I jump, more like walk from the tree I'm in to a neighboring tree. I get to a tree close to the other tree that is behind the flag. There is a higher branch and I jump and grab it and hoist myself up. Finally, I'm in the tree right behind the flag .

It's really low so I sit on the branch and hang upside down. Yes! I grab the flag and sit in the tree where no one can see me.

"Hey! Where'd the flag go!?" A boy asks. "I don't know you were in charge of making sure none of them got it!" Uriah say clearly irritated. I guess he's just as competitive as me.

I do the bird call signaling for the team to attack. I shoot Uriah right in the heart area. By that time most of the other teams people were shot and out of the game.

"YES! IN YA'LLS FACES!" I scream because we won. "WINNER, WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!!" I scream again. When I'm not looking Uriah pulls out his gun and shoots me in the back.

"Damn you Uriah! You know this is a brand new hoodie!" I say acting like its a big deal. "Well then I'll buy you a new one. Or we can decorate it with paint balls." Uriah smirks and before I can say know he starts shooting me again. Good thing I turned around when I did or you wouldn't be able to read the front.

"Guys! Stop flirting and get over here!" Marlene says. I blush but I blame the on the sun that's just peaking out.

"Does the hero get the boy?" I ask Uriah. "That's mixed up I'm the hero. But either way," He leans in to kiss me but I turn my cheek.

"What were you saying about damn me?" He smirks pulls me and we kiss for a while.

"Hey! Your not supposed to be friends with your enemy let alone make out with them!" Lynn screams and I smirk.


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