Deck Them In The Face!

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"She's not going to be able to finish training with her arm like that. She defiantly can't go through the gun course." I hear the voice and identify it as Four.

I stir a little bit and sit up and rub my eyes for the effect that I just now woke up. The room is all white and I can tell its the infirmary.

"Good your up! Do you want a drink?" One of the nurses asks. "Um.. Sure just a water please." She then scurries

off to get me water.

"Addyson, I have some bad news." Four says. Wow he doesn't sugar coat it at all. "Sure."

"Your not going to be able to keep training so you'll have to be thrown out." Geez I didn't know I'd be thrown out. "Your kidding me right? I can still do everything in training! Your just lucky I don't break your face!!!"

I scream because I hate people underestimating me. Oh your just a girl. Oh your in Candor you can't lie. Oh you can't get a boyfriend. Oh you aren't even smart even if your any part Erudite.

Well just.... just no.

I am capable of anything!

"Okay but you better do good or you'll be Faction less." Four says. Then Four leans in close to me and whispers," By the way that was really cool how you stood up to Peter back there."

"Thanks. Since I'll be getting a cast I can use my plastered arm to deck them!" Four just chuckles and leaves.

In a lot of ways Four's like another dad and its good to have him around to keep me in line. Or at least try to.

Sorry it's so short and I haven't updated in a long time. Geez I'm such a procrastinator!


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