Chapter 3

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One week later, I am no longer blench Jensen. I am Chloe Jensen. Blench will be dead for a while.

I met the vice principal outside the school office and she showed me the way to my classroom.

Soon, I'm going to see the one who hurt my sister.

"Chloe, you wait here. I'll go to the class first." The vice principal who claimed herself as Ms fiddleson.

After a few minutes, I have been called to go into the classroom. So, here it goes...

I walked into my sister class and Ms fiddleson was standing in the middle and everybody in the class was shocked to see me. All of their eyes shot up widely at me. Especially the three girls and a guy.

Let me guess. The guy should be Chloe's ex-boyfriend who cheated on her with that Gladys. And one of the three girls there must be Gladys.

"Everyone, Chloe is back to join us for the year and please take good care of her as she lost her memories. Chloe, your seat is over there, right beside Eve." Ms fiddleson said and I walked towards 'my' seat.

"I leave Chloe in good hands with you guys. Now excuse me." Ms fiddleson said and leave.

"Chloe! Chloe! Do you remember me?" The girl sitting beside me asked.

"Erm, no?" I said bluntly.

Well, I'm straightforward and blunt. Unlike my sister.

"She's really having amnesia." Another girl said.

"By The way, my name is Vanessa. And, she's Eve. We're your best friend."

Ahh.... Vanessa and Eve. Sis mention them before.


"Who is she?" I point to the girl who is sitting beside Vanessa, another girl who looked surprised and shocked.

"Uh, she's Gladys."

Ha! I knew it! Nice to meet you, Gladys.

Now it's time to investigate and dig out clues.

"Vanessa, Eve. Do you know what happens to me? About the incident? They told me that I rolled down the stairs. I'm confused." I asked.

Both of them look at each other and before they could say anything, the subject teacher arrived and we need to start class. Urgh....

After the first class.

"Chloe!" A voice behind shouted and I turn to see a guy. He must be Zion.

"Do you still remember me?" He asked.


"Well then, let me introduce myself. My name is Zion and I'm your... best friend as well." He smiled.

Best friend? Like hell. You hurt my sis. You're going to pay!

"Nice to meet you, Zion. Now if you don't mind, you're blocking my pathway." I said and gave him a death stare. Then, I walked away.

On the way to The next class, looked who I met.

"Hi, Chloe Jansen."

"Hi. Must you be Gladys? Vanessa and Eve told me that."

"Yes, I am. How could you forget? Or you are faking it?" She smirked.

What if I am?

"I don't get what you mean."

Then, she comes closer to me.

"Maybe you'll remember this." She said in an angry tone and raised her hand as if she's going to slap me but in the end, she's stopped by me. I hold her hands and pushed her on to the floor. Don't forget, unlike my sister, I'm violent and I learn martial arts.

"Gladys, you are really funny. I don't really get what you're saying throughout the whole conversation. I need to rush to my next class. Goodbye." I said as I laugh and skip away.

After school today, I went to Vancouver hospital to visit Chloe. She's not yet awake.

I held her hands, her warm, soft hands.

"Chloe, I saw Gladys today. Don't worry, I will get revenge for you. But promise me, wake up soon." I said as my tears fell.

Next morning I went to school as usual. But something unusual is that everyone was crowding around Eve table.

"What's going on?" I asked as I walk over.

Nobody dares to look at me. Huh?

Then, I looked down at Eve. Her eyes were red. She has been crying.

"How dare you ask, Chloe! Don't think you forget everything means you can do anything you want!" Gladys shouted from behind.

Another trick of hers?

I turn around and look at her. She has a smirk on her face and anger was also shown. What an actress she can be.

"I don't know what you mean," I said as I cross my arms.

"You don't know what I mean? You stole Eve's wallet and you don't know? Haha! Joke of The Year. Literally."

My joke of the year? Shouldn't it be yours is the joke of the year? Did I steal Eve wallet? Like hell, I will do that.

Before I can speak, Ms fiddleson walk into the classroom.

"What's going on?"

"Vice principal! Chloe stole Eve's wallet!" Gladys said.

Ya ya ya. Continue yapping. No one will believe you.

"What evidence do you have before you accuse someone? And Eve, did you really lost your Wallet?" Ms fiddleson asked and Eve nod her head.

Well, if Eve really lost her wallet, why will i steal it? I'm her best friend.

"And, yes, I have evidence," Gladys said.

Fake evidence?

"What is it?" Ms fiddleson asked.

"Just check Chloe's bag. See, if Eve wallet is in there."

What?! My bag? Why my bag?

"Chloe, your bag please." Ms fiddleson said as everyone is looking at me.


"Fine," I said and hand my bag to Ms fiddleson.

You will pay, Gladys.

Unwittingly, Ms fiddleson found a sky blue Wallet in my bag and hey! That's not mine.

"Eve, is this your Wallet?" She asked and Eve nods her head and then gave a death glare at me.

Shit. This time, it's over.

"Chloe Jansen! How dare you steal your classmate things?! You are in deep trouble this time young lady. Go down to the discipline office with me now!" Ms fiddleson shouted.

I didn't steal Eve's wallet! I'm innocent.

"Wait! Vice principal, I believe that Chloe did not steal Eve's wallet." Brandon, the guy who has the worst grade in the class and always sleep in class, said.

Brandon? Why is he helping me?

"Brandon, it's none of your business. We got evidence and Eve admitted that it's her wallet. Now, go back to your seats everybody!"

Gladys walk passes me and smirked at me. At the same time, whispered something to me.

"That's your consequences."

No, that's not my consequences. I didn't do anything wrong.

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