Chapter 29

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After a week in the hospital, I could finally be discharged and go home! Home sweet home... But, before that, I want to go to a place...

Brandon came and picked me up with his usual non-CEO look. He is wearing his black shirt with a black leather jacket and jeans.

"Good morning, my lovely miss Jansen." He said and I smiled. Lovely miss Jansen huh?

"Well good morning to you too, my lovely Mr. Irving."

"Ready to go home?" He asked as he packed my clothes in the luggage bag.

"Not yet. I want to go to a place first."

He looked at me with an arched eyebrow.

"Can I take the car today?"

"What are you up to now?" He asked with a mischievous smile and placed his hands on his hip.

Ha! He will know later.

"Please..." I begged and he finally agreed with much reluctance.

"But, don't hurt my darling car okay."


"Am I not your darling?" I asked, acting jealous.

"You are. But my car is also my darling. So don't hurt her."


"How do you know it's him or her? Besides you have enough money to buy another one." I said.

"I know I can afford another one. And, I would love the car to be her because I am not a gay and I won't sit on him," he said and left.


"Brandon Irving!" I shouted as I catch up with him. The hospital is now filled with my loud voice...

I parked the car just outside Washington park arboretum. The smell of nature and the sound of birds crisping can soon be heard as soon as I stepped outside the car. This is a place where many couples go and it's so beautiful.

Brandon consecutively followed me behind silently until I stop walking on the bridge and rest my arms on the pillars, facing the vivid imagery of a tree covered with snowflakes as it is winter right now.

"What are we doing here?" He asked and I smiled at him. Indeed, I'm up for something.

"I used to come here with my family when I was young. My mum brought me and Chloe here to see this tree." I said and pointed towards that tree.

"My parents grew this tree here. They say that this tree is significant of their love and the tree will grow together with them. During spring, the tree will blossom with flowers. During summer, the trees will be filled with green leaves. During fall, the leaves will start to turn brown, yet they still looked so beautiful. During winter, there will be no leaves but the tree will be filled with snowflakes. The tree is still so beautiful regardless of which season it is in."

I faced Brandon and held his hand.

"I want to thank you for what you had done to me. You stayed with me when I'm in my darkest hour. Even though now we are engaged, that doesn't mean our love will stop. In the future, we will still be so happy. Maybe, even happier." I said and Brandon gave me his shy, carefree smile.

"You're very cheeky, sweetheart. I didn't expect you to bring me here and tell me all of this." He said and hugged me tightly.

"The purpose of me bringing you here today is not to tell you all of this. I want to plant our own tree too. We will grow with the tree, from young to old, until death pulls us apart. Regardless of which season we are In, our love will still be so beautiful and we will still be so happy. Shall we?" I asked and he laughed.

"Of course. But before that, I want to tell you something too."

Tell me?

"I love you, forever and always."

My heart melted after hearing that. Suddenly, I thought of something that could make me cry and I had just experienced it, not too long ago.



I let go of him and looked at him with a serious face.

"I want to tell you that, when I'm gone in the future, I will still live forever in your heart. I almost died not too long ago and I could feel the pain in you. I feel you and how I wish I could get rid of that pain and we forever will be together. But death is part of the human life cycle. All of us have to face it. And I wish, regardless of who goes first in the future, we will still be happy. Of course, this request is a little demanding. I will allow you to cry, just for a day. After that, you still have to carry on smiling and light up everybody's world." Couldn't resist my tears, I cried but still tried to smile at him. He too, dripped a tear or two, yet, smile at me and wipe my tears away with his fingers.

"I promise you because I really really love you very much. I could never find another girl like you, blench Jansen. Do you know the moment when Wilson told me that you can't be saved and he told the nurses to prepare the death certificate, it's like a hail of bullets shot through me, directly in my heart? I will do anything to save you. Anything. But now I realized, you are standing in front of me, looking mighty fine. I'm happy. More than happy."

I smiled upon hearing that.

"I love you too and thank you for protecting me. I never felt more alive. Now, let's go." I said and pulled his hand, towards the field.

Both of us held our shovel and started planting the tree. The experience is tiring get, happy. This tree has a lot of meanings to us and from now onwards, it will be part of our life. In the future, when we had our own children, we will bring them here and show them the growth of their parent's love.

After planting the tree, Brandon and I stood on the bridge, staring at our tree, my head on his shoulder and both of us held hands. Out of the sudden, Brandon let go.

"Did Wilson teach you all of this?"


"Because it is such a rare scene of you doing this type of things." He said and smirked.


"Don't think you are the only romantic here." Acting pissed off, I walk away from him, leaving the park.

"Hey! Blench! Wait for me! I'm just kidding." He shouted and run towards me.

"Dream on!"


And so, our day before we got married passes by in a meaningful way.

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