Chapter 3: We Meet Again

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Chapter 3

"Guys, guys," Tyler lightly elbowed two portly security guards who were ganging up on Barry. "I know him. Let him come backstage."

The security guards gave identical looks of annoyance, and ushered Barry backstage. Tyler almost tripped knowing the sexy insect was trailing behind him with every step.

After a while the guards trailed off and went their own ways, leaving Barry and Tyler alone. 

His sky blue orbs, the fine stitching of his sweater, his long, sensual antenna, and scent; like honeysuckle.  Tyler never thought he would see him again.

"That performance was..." Barry cracked a smile and shook his head.  "Gosh, it was amazing."

"Yeah? We really do try with the lights and stuff," Tyler smiled.

Barry look up, his face was a bit more serious, but laced with a coquettish kind of smirk.  "Actually, it was amazing because you were in it."

Tyler's eyes widened.  His face went up in flames, his fluttery heart escalating into a storm of nervous beats.  Speechless, he was thankful Josh walked up to kill the awkward.

"Hey Tyler, who's this?" Josh asked without emotion, pointing straight at Barry.  Josh wasn't beecist, but he would definitely be a little hesitant towards bees that Tyler had relations with, him being a former beeterophobe and all.

"Josh, meet Barry," Tyler gestured toward Barry, who gave a rather charming smile and a soft friendly buzz.

Josh grinned subtly and shook Barry's hand. "It's nice to meet you, but me and Tyler have to hit the road-"

"Why doesn't Barry come with us for a concert?" Tyler blurted out instantly. Josh's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"C'mon Josh, just a concert," Tyler coaxed.

"Or two..." Barry chimed in.

"We have enough room in the tour bus for one more," Tyler grinned, playfully nudging Josh in an attempt for him to agree.

Josh exhaled a defeated sigh. "One. Night."

One night turned into one week.

Meant to Bee (Tyler JosephxBarry Bee)Where stories live. Discover now