Chapter 2: Beeterosexual

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Chapter 2

Eventually, the bee buzzed out of Tyler's mind. Though they had each others numbers, Barry never called, and Tyler was too much of a coward to. But in the back of his mind, he knew that that the beautiful flowers Jenna had in a vase had been pollinated by the unforgettable bug.

Now, nearly a month after their first meet, when Tyler and Josh were about to perform a concert, Barry finally texted.

Hey Tyler :-) just thought u should know I'm coming to the concert 2nite! Buzz buzz!!! Lol!!!

It was sealed with a bee emoji.

Tyler's finger hovered above the keyboard. Why couldn't he just text back? Why did this certain bee always leave him so dumbstruck? He almost wished he'd never met Barry, and yet...he was so glad he had.

Tyler let out a sigh of defeat and stuffed his phone into his pocket. The show started in a few minutes. He could hear the roar of the crowd, feel the energy. Barry was among them, buzzing him on.  The thought made him feel like he was on a roller coaster; scared, jubilant, thrilled, alive.

Tyler gazed toward Josh.  He took a deep breath and tapped his pink-haired friend on the shoulder.  Josh turned around and grinned.

"Hey, what's up?" Josh asked, suddenly noticing how distraught his best friend looked.

"Josh, look," Tyler took a deep breath.  Seeing Josh's concerned expression, he almost didn't continue.  "Something happened to me recently I met this bee and he just...he had these...well, it really opened my eyes and..." He trailed off, unsaid words piled in his throat refusing to come out.

Josh's concern shifted to confusion.  "Wait, you're beeterosexual?" He blurted out, looking almost disgusted.

"Well, yes, uh, actually, no, I-I..." Tyler stuttered.  He swallowed and took a deep breath.  "I'm beesexual," He finally uttered.  "I'm attracted to both bees...and humans."

Josh blinked a few times, his lips parted in the slightest bit.  He looked somewhere in the middle of confusion, disgust, shock, and more confusion. 

Thoughts raced through Tyler's mind, a mile a minute.  No, no...Josh could be beeterophobic, could he?  Josh has always accepted him, he couldn't turn his back on him now.

Josh breathed in like he was going to say something, but he was interrupted. They had to go on. 

To Tyler's despair, Josh shot him a scowl before they were greeted by the booming cheers of the crowd.


"Josh, what's wrong?" Tyler asked Josh the moment the concert was over. "Are you...beeterophobic?"

Josh turned around so sharply that Tyler recoiled. "No, it's just...its just..." His voice faded. "I just think that humans and bees aren't really meant to be together, it's unnatural!" Josh stared into Tyler's face. A fragment of his soul ached when he saw the pain in Tyler's eyes. "Well...I guess I can make a little exception."

Tyler embraced Josh tightly. Nothing could pull apart their friendship...or could something?

Meant to Bee (Tyler JosephxBarry Bee)Where stories live. Discover now