Chapter 9: I Wanna Bee Known by You

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Chapter 9

For the next couple of days, Tyler, Josh, Brendon, Pete, and Patrick were all avoiding each other. The episode had caused more drama to flourish, and rumor had it Andy and Joe had turned against each other as well, and Fall Out Boy was on the verge of extinction.  It was likely that their concert at Coachillo would be their last and Patrick would Soul Punk his way outta that band.

Tyler felt personally responsible (because he was) and spent many nights curled up his bunk, hot tears spilling down his cheeks, his heart feeling like it had been stung countless times.

He hoped Jenna was okay, wherever she was. She hadn't returned since the Barry incident, and blocked Tyler's number.  She was probably only staying in a nearby hotel, Tyler tried to reassure himself, to no avail.

The real drama went down on the second to last day of Coachillo, when a crazy coincidence landed all the band mates in the dead center of the festival.

Barry was there too.

Tyler froze up, scanning the row of emos.  His heart fluttered when he say the crystal orbs that belonged to the bee who ruined his life.

Brendon cleared his throat and looked over at Patrick.  He flashed a phony smile.  "Patrick, you wanna explain?"

Patrick scowled and tried to look intimidating, but he looked like little baby Lima bean.  "What's there too explain?"

"A child in Alaska died today," Brendon retorted.

Patrick scoffed.  "How is that my fault?"

Brendon scowled, his intense forehead vein pulsing.  "What isn't your fault?" He shouted in Patrick's face.

"I deleted Soul Punk off my phone, by the way," Pete chimed in, adding yet another problem to the table. 

Patrick was unsure of who to fight, so he brought them both to the grass in a single, swift roundhouse kick.

Tyler was stunned.  He didn't know he could do that! 

Soon, all the band members were in a heated quarrel, scratching at eachother and throwing punches at whoever was in range.

Barry could bear it no longer.  "STOOOOOOOOOP," He hollered.  They all stopped fighting promptly to give Barry identical shocked looks.

Barry pinned them with his gaze.  "So," He began.  "How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by Tyler Joseph?"


(A/N) sorry this was short ;'( one more chapter!!

Meant to Bee (Tyler JosephxBarry Bee)Where stories live. Discover now