Chapter 10: The Final Buzz

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Chapter 10

"How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by Tyler Joseph?" Barry asked, surveying the crowd.

Starting with Josh, everyone began to raise their hands.  Even Sarah looked around and started to slowly extend her arm.

Barry sighed and glared at Tyler.  "Okay, I'm gonna have everyone write an apology to someone here and read it aloud," He pointed to a stage, "On that stage."

There were groans of disagreement, but they ceased when Barry threatened to sting.

Sarah began to write her apology, but Barry stopped her.  "Band members only," He explained.  Sarah scowled and trudged away to make a pity smoothie.

Brendon was first on stage. He cleared his throat and recited his apology loudly. "Patrick, I'm sorry for making fun of your fedoras, and I'm sorry for burning them in the sacrificial fire." He read. There was hesitant applause, and Brendon backflipped into the audience where the band members all caught him and gently placed his feet on the ground.

Next up, former PATD member Ryan Ross came to the stage. He had tears in his eyes, and he sniffled before reading his apology. "I wish I could make us all a burrito...full of guacamole, and smiles..." His voice broke and a tear sailed down his face.

"HE DOESN'T EVEN GO HERE," A voice called out from the back. A "band member" (AKA Sarah disguised in a hoodie and sunglasses) had said it.

Pete came up next. "Brendon, I'm sorry that I called a balding rat. You can't help it that you're so balding." The applause that followed was much stronger. Pete fell back into the crowd.

Patrick came on stage. "Josh, I'm sorry that one time that I accidentally texted you and asked for nudes, and you actually sent them, and I sent them to Halsey," There was long pause. "And I'm sorry I'm repeating it now." Patrick did his trust fall into the crowd but no one caught him.

Josh apologized for being an unsupportive beeterophobe.

Tyler took a deep breath. It's gonna be okay. "Just pretend like Barry's not there..." He thought as stepped on stage.

"Josh and Jenna," Tyler began, his voice breaking already. "I'm sorry for lying to you both." He said tersely. He crumpled up the paper and fell back into the crowd like he did in the Car Radio music video. He landed perfectly in Barry's loving arms.

Tyler gazed up into Barry's vibrant diamond orbs. He couldn't help himself. He sank into Barry's embrace and kissed his lips softly.


The sun had sank down the horizon when Jenna returned at last after hearing the new about their forgiveness session. She, Barry, and Tyler all stood in a huddle outside the tour bus.

Tyler smiled a genuine smile. "I've finally decided to choose," He said, scanning them both with his eyes. They wore matching looks of excitement.

Barry buzzed happily. "Tyler, I would just like to say you were my first love, and possibly my only one for the rest of my days." He said romantically, warming Tyler's heart.

"I choose...............Josh!" Tyler exclaimed.

"WHAT?" Barry and Jenna both screamed in unison. "Josh?"

"Yup, that's me," Josh sauntered out of nowhere. Tyler grabbed him, spun him around, and kissed him passionately.

Barry was in utter disbeelief. "You mean, you mean..."

Tyler reluctantly pulled away from Josh and simpered. "Yup, Joshler is real!"


(A/N) Hey bees! This story has been getting really popular for some reason so thanks.  Hope u licked it

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