EPILOGUE!+Announcements(1k reads special!)

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~Epilogue~9 months later

Josh darted through the hospital doors, sweat collecting on his forehead. He felt guilty, not being able to attend the birth of he and Tyler's first child, but now that was replaced with pure adrenaline, driven by the shock of the Joshler baby being born so early!

The doctor spotted Josh, who ran straight into him.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Josh asked breathlessly, heart pounding.

The doctor opened his mouth, only to close it again. Remorse filled his eyes, and Josh knew that something wasn't right. He raced into Tyler's room.

In Tyler's arm was not a baby but...a bee!

Josh held onto the door for support. "T-Tyler?" He squeaked.

The other boy looked over with tears in his eyes. "Josh I'm sorry, but...it's not yours. It's..."

"Barry's." Sneered Barry Bee, buzzing into the room, the scent of honeysuckle wafting with him.

Josh clutched his heart. Seeing his pain, Tyler retaliated. "Buzz off, Barry! I'm in love with Josh."

"How can you say that when you're holding my child?" Barry scowled. "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"You don't deserve to know anything," Tyler spat, seething.

Then the unbeelievable happened.

Barry stung Tyler.

Josh's screamed. Barry fell to the ground. Tyler shuddered and went unconscious. The newborn baby bee, oblivious, cried.

Josh rushed over to the bed, a shiver passing through him as he passed Barry's stationary body.  Could the bee really bee...dead?  Could Tyler really be dead?

He clutched his loving boyfriend's arm.  He could not feel a pulse, but maybe he was too caught up in panic that he was incapable of comprehending any details, such as the doctors that caught him by surprise by ripping him from Tyler.

Everything was a blur of tears after that.


Tyler weakly blinked his eyes open to a bleary light above him.  He groaned as he stirred awake, beginning to feel again.  Pain.  A hand grabbing his.  He heard.

"He's awake!" Josh's voice rang out.  The voice flooded Tyler's body with jubilance that could almost cure his pain. 

The sound of feet hammered across the floor.  It was Fall Out Boy's members, Brendon, and...Jenna.  She smiled at him.

"W-what happened?" Tyler groaned, his voice husky.

"You gave birth then got stung by a human-sized bee," Brendon improvised.

"Barry...BARRY!" Tyler bolted upward, only to wince in pain and lay down again.

Josh ran a hand through his pink hair.  "Tyler, Tyler, Barry made it," He hesitated.  "Barely."

Tyler gulped.  "But, his son..."

"Our son," Josh declared firmly.  "We need to leave this bee dilemma behind, Tyler.  We need to buzz away, pollinate other flowers.  You and Barry may have been meant to bee, but we're meant to be.  One 'E.'  Humans."

Tyler's eyes teared up, but then his expression changed.  He smacked Josh in the face.  "One 'E?'  What's wrong with being a bee, Josh?  Beeterophobe..."


(A/N); Thank you guys so much for ONE THOUSAND READS!  When I first made the cover for this book using a picture of the lights at a Chilis as a background, I didn't expect it to get so popular!  So thank you, little Bees!

Now onto the important stuff...
I'm not planning on writing a sequel for this fic because I feel like it would soil the beauty of this book, and probably wouldn't even get half as popular.
Yeah so thanks again, and I hope you pollinated real good one day ;)


Meant to Bee (Tyler JosephxBarry Bee)Where stories live. Discover now