Chapter 5: Tribulations

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Chapter 5

Even with the newfound affections from Barry, Tyler almost always felt it; guilt.  It settled in his soul and sat put ever since his lips collided with Barry's that fateful night.

It was like he had feelings for Barry, but memories of feelings for Jenna.  He wasn't sure what to do.

He was still able to be a little romantic with Barry, but only for fleeting moments when Jenna wasn't around.  They were yet to have their second kiss.

Tyler saw the guilt in Barry's eyes too, whenever he did anything with Jenna. It made his heart ache.  Why, why did he have to meet Barry?  Why did he have to fall in love with him?

At last, Josh noticed his friend's slump. He spoke up to Tyler one night on the tour bus after Barry was asleep. "Okay, what's wrong? You're acting...glum," He said.

Tyler actually chuckled. "Ha, 'glum',". He repeated.

Josh grinned, simply at Tyler finally regaining happiness.

"No, but, for real I think this tour is just making me...stressed out," Tyler joked, blatantly referencing one of their song titles. It wasn't funny, but they both burst out laughing. Tyler felt himself lighten up. It was just like the old days before Barry.

"We only have four more concerts, and then that music festival-oh, what's it called?" Josh pondered.

"Coachillo," Tyler said.

"Right," Josh said excitedly. They would meet their friends, the members of Fall Out Boy and Brendon Urie, at the popular music festival. "Anyway," Josh got back on track. "Jenna's worried about you."

Tyler's guilt grew. "Oh, tell her that I'm fine," He said tersely, not meeting Josh's eyes.

Josh gave him a questionable look. "This isn't about Barry, is it?"

The name triggered Tyler. He refocused. "Barry? Barry? Ppshh, no! I said I was beesexual, not a gay beesexual!" He said, sealing it with phony laugh. It was convincing enough.

"That's right, sorry," Said Josh. "That was pretty dumb of me."

"Yeah," Tyler pretended to agree, Barry on his mind.

Meant to Bee (Tyler JosephxBarry Bee)Where stories live. Discover now