Chapter 7

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Hey guys I decided to not delete this book because of a special user named ....
This chapter will be dedicated to her. Thank you!

Sanjana POV

I had just called the police and they were on their way. I just hope that they came here fast because I don't know who is in that alley and I don't want to see Prem get hurt.

I just kept holding Pooja in my arms and hugging her like I was afraid to let go. I was just scared overall.

A minute later, the cops came and surrounded the area. They blocked off two streets by the alley including the one our car was in right now. The cops went in with their guns aimed and ready to shoot, but they came back within seconds. They cane out with a guy cuffed and was now putting him in the police car. Now an ambulance came and I saw them come and put a lady on a stretcher and put her into the back of the ambulance.

After the cops and the ambulance went away, I started panicking becuase Prem didn't return back to the car yet. I started looking around for him and by now it was really dark.
About two minutes later, the car door opened and Prem climbed in. I gasped at the sight of him and my eyes started to tear up a bit. I quickly jumped in the front seat and asked him what happened whiles pulling out my mini first aid kit in my purse.

I started rubbing his wounds and bandaging them whiles he started telling me what happened and why he was in this state.

Apparently this women that was in the alley was Pooja's mom and their was a guy in there with her, trying to harass her.

Prem POV

I went into the alley that Sanjana told me about. It was a long dark alley. I went in to the middle of the alley to find a guy drunk, harassing a women. I walked toward the guys quickly and silently.

I was standing right behind him and pulled him back and slammed him against the wall.


Then he punched me in my stomach but it barely hurt because he was drunk. But when he saw that it had so affect he pulled out a knife. He tried to stab me but he didnt get because i was blocking him. He did cut me a few places like my arm and my stomach. He did tear my clothes up and even though his punches didn't hurt they did make me bleed like around my lips.

After he got his turn, I pushed him to the ground and kicked him then I punched him over and over.

Then I realized that the women was still there watching all of this.

"RUN!", I yelled at the women while I briefly glanced at her. After a few more seconds, I just stopped because I heard the police.

The police came into the alley and I explained everything that happened to them. Then they cuffed the guy on the ground and they put the woman on the stretcher into the ambulance and they went away. The cops told us which hospital they were taking her to and they left too.

After that I walked to the car which Sanjana and Pooja was still in.

Sanjana POV

After he told me the story, he wiped my cheeks with hsi thumbs and told me not to cry.

I didn't realized that there were actual tears coming down my face. I don't know why I was crying but I was. Maybe I felt that I could have lost him and never seen him again.

I just gave him a small smile and said sorry. Geez I am so awkward.

He just laughed and told me that we should get to the hospital.

Once we started to go towards the hospital I remembered that it was pretty dark outside and that my parents would be worried about me. I I decided to call them and tell them that I would be late even though I don't really want to talk to them after the whole your getting an arranged marriage.

When I called they immediately answered and they asked me where I was. I just told them that I was going to be late and not to worry. Then I hanged up.

The rest of the ride to the hospital was silent. I would turn around every few minutes to check on Pooja in the back. Once we reached the hospital we asked the receptionist which room the women was in and she told us.

When we walked in the room we saw that the women was hooked up to some tubes but she was fine. She was watching T.V. but looked really restless and worried. When she heard the door opened she turned to face us, all her worry was gone. She started smiling instantly and Pooja yelled "Mom" so I knew this was the right women.

We walked towards her but she kept watching and looking at Prem. I gave Pooja to her mom and Pooja instantly jumped into her arms. Pooja's mom was thanking us for bringing Pooja to her whiles she had tears in her eyes.

We smiled at her and after a few minutes she asked Prem if he was the one who had beaten up that guy in the alley.

Prem POV

"Were you the one who saved me that guy in the alley?", Pooja's Mom asked.

"Yes I was the one," I replied.

She thanked me over and over like she owed her life to me. I just smiled and said nothing.

I asked her what her name was and she said that her name was Priya. I told her mine and then Sanjana told her what her name was too.

After talking with Priya for a little while we decided to head home. On the way back to her house it was silent. I wanted to hold her hand but I was afraid that she might pull her hand away.

After a few minutes I just slowly and gently held her hand whiles interlocking our fingers together. She flinched a bit but I didn't let go. She turned me and smiled and I return her smile. She squeezed my fingers and then turn her attention back to the window. Then I focused my attention back on the road and the rest of the ride was silent.


Hey lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't know if it is a short or long chapter.

Happy holidays!

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Bye! Love ya! Until next time!

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