Chapter 12

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Sanjana POV

I woke up to the sunshine beaming on my face. It was now 8 am. I slowly got myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. Throughout the whole process, I just kept thinking of how I have to keep my dad's promise. I couldn't let my dad down. I couldn't get too close to Prem because I know that's just a trap waiting for me to fall into it. 

After Prem helped me with my bags last night, we just parted ways by saying goodnight. I spent the rest of the night so conflicted with my feelings. However, I knew that no matter what I felt, I had to ignore it and most of all, ignore Prem. I knew this was going to hurt, but it is what is best. 

Once I was ready, I headed down to the hotel's breakfast area to grab something to eat. Today was my first day of freedom and I just wanted to enjoy myself before I get married off to some stranger. 

I quickly spotted Amrita and Anjali sitting at a table so I decided to join them. We were going to go sight seeing today in France. We were only going to spend a week in France. 

I greeted Amrita and Anjali as I sat down. 

"hey Sanjana," they replied.

"I am so excited to see the famous Eiffel Tower, I can hardly sit still," exclaimed Anjali. 

"Yes we need to see that and Notre Dame Cathedral for sure," Amrita added.

I told them I was down for all of that as long as we get to taste some authentic French food. 

I ushered them to hurry up so we could start our adventure as soon as possible, but mostly, I really just wanted to leave before I ran into Prem again. We are known for accidentally bumping  into each other. 

After breakfast, we hopped on a bus and headed straight to the Eiffel Tower. We took cute pictures and tour around the famous monument. It was definitely a sight to remember.

When we were done, we ate some lunch around 2 pm at a local food vendor and then decided to explore the area some more. After a while, we got tired and headed back to the hotel. 

We ate dinner as soon as we got back to the hotel, which I was grateful for because I was starving. I opted for something that I would be able to finish fast. As soon as I was done, I said bye to the girls and ran back to my room hoping that I wouldn't bump into Prem. 

As soon as I got to my room, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I didn't run into him today. I took a quick shower, washed my face, and put on some comfy pajamas. I snuggled up in my bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next few days in France consisted of the same touring, eating, and sight seeing along with some rest days to just relax. On those rest days, Amrita, Anjali and I would just meet up in one of our rooms and hang out. I was so happy that I didn't run into Prem so far. It was like he disappeared.

I needed to keep my feelings at bay. I didn't even know if he had feelings for me, which I am sure he doesn't. He is just being friendly. Therefore, there is no need to stress myself over a silly boy. I just need to be able to control myself. 

Tomorrow would be our last day in France and then we would be off to Spain the following day. We were spending a week in each country. I couldn't wait to try the food in Spain. If you couldn't tell already, I am a foodie. 


I finally updated this book after centuries!! Thank you guys for bearing with me. I am on winter break. I am going to try to update as much as possible to finish the story before the semester starts again. I also might make the chapters shorter. 

Also, I checked my demographics and most of you guys are from India, which is so cool! I always wanted to visit!! I live in America. Also, all of my audience are girls, which is amazing as well. Girls run the world. ;)

Please leave any ideas you may have!!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote/comment/follow. :)

see ya! 

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