Chapter 10

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A picture of Amrita and Anjali

Prem POV

That night at the mehendi session of the wedding was.. I just cant even explain it. I just wanted to kiss her so bad. My face was so close to hers and i knew i had an effect on her but why is she pushing me away. It actually kind of hurts. 

I sighed as i was thinking about her. Wow. I sound like a love struck puppy. 

I really want to find out as to why she is pushing me away now. Just 4 days ago, she was holding my hand and smiling. Now she doesn't even want to look at me.






I am currently sitting right in my plane seat with the most beautiful girl sitting next to me. Such a coincidence that the girl who is pushing me away is sitting right next to me. She was now sleeping on my shoulder. I savored the moment knowing that as soon as she woke up she would push me away again. 

I took her hand into mine was playing with her tiny fingers. Her hand is so soft and small, i wish i could hold it forever. But that will never happen if she keeps pushing me away. 

All of a sudden that plane started shaking a little and then i felt someone squeeze my hand. When i looked down i realized that it was Sanju. Sanju?  New nickname? 

It took her a few seconds to realize that she was actually holding my hand and was sleeping on my shoulder. As soon as she figured this out, she sat up and took her hand out of mine.

I frowned and looked away whiles she looked out the window of the plane. 

Maybe i should try talking to her again. I tried earlier but she was just giving me short answers which i didnt really like at all. i sighed at the thought. 

I just ignored everything after that and put my headphones in and slept.

Sanjana POV

I woke up and saw that Prem was now asleep. The flight attendant lady was now coming around with breakfast. Which was good thing because i was so hungry. The flight attendant lady was about to be on our row where we were sitting. I was deciding on whether or not i should wake up Prem.

I think i should because i don't want him to be hungry. 

I reached over slowly and gently shook his arm. But he didnt even move. I then shook him a little harder and he finally woke up.

"Sanju is everything okay?," he quietly asked. "Yes Prem, everything is okay but i just wanted you to wake up because they are about to serve breakfast," i said. He just replied with an "oh".

"Hey Prem?", i called. 

"yeah?", he replied. 

"Sanju?", i asked whiles laughing. 

"Hmm yeah but i wont call you that if you don't like it," he said with a smile.

"No no, its fine. It actually kinda cute," i said and whispered that last part.

But i think he still heard it because he just looked away with a blush on his face.



The flight attendant was now on our row. i ordered what i wanted and now it was Prem's turn.

When it was Prem's turn, she was being all flirty and stuff. To be honest it pissed me off like a lot.

She was like bending over to show her cleavage and she was like twirling her hair. Then she started biting her lip. I just turned my face because i didnt really want to see anymore. 

After a couple minutes i looked back and saw that she was now on another row. I looked down at a paper Prem was holding in his hands.

I saw that it was number. It was probably from that flight attendant slut. i looked down at my breakfast and started eating some of it. I looked at his and saw that he hasn't even touched any of it.

I looked up at him and saw that he was still looking at the paper in his hands. 

"Prem, how come you aren't eating," i whispered. He just quickly looked at me and said that he was about to. I just said okay and then i saw him rip the paper into shreds. which made me smile a little.

Then he called the flight attendant lady that gave him his number. 

She came back with even more cleavage showing with some layers of freshly applied lipstick. She started biting her lip again and asked Prem how she could help him. 

Oh i know how i could help her, i thought whiles i clenched my fist. Then i realized that this wasn't right. I have to stop being jealous.

I looked back up to see this.

"You can have the paper back that you gave me," he said to the flight attendant lady as he dropped the paper into her hands. "You said it would of been useful, but i didnt find it useful," he added.

This time i laughed really hard. The flight attendant lady just glared at me and left quickly with her face red. I swear if looks could kill i would have been dead.

Prem looked over to me laughing and then smiled a little.

"Her face was priceless," i said in between laughs. He laughed a little and started eating his breakfast.

After i calmed down from laughing, i finished my breakfast.



"We will now be landing in France so please put your seat belts on and put the trays back up against the seats," someone said on the intercom about an hour later.

So i did exactly that and prepared myself for landing. 



We finally landed and when we were walking out of the plane, guess who was standing there. It was the flight attendant slut of the day. 

I just smiled at her and in return i got another death glare. 

I now texted one of my friends to see if they landed yet. Then i called my parents and told them i landed. 

My friends said that they were now heading my way, so i just sat on one of the benches and waited for them. I saw Prem walk over to his friends and talk to them. He looked my way and i quickly looked down. 

He walked over to me and asked if i wanted to go with him. I just said no thanks and that my friends were going to come here any minute. He asked if i was sure and i just answered with a yes.

He then turned around after saying bye and walked away with his friends. 

All of a sudden i felt a tap on my shoulder and i turned around to be met with Amrita and Anjali. My friends!!!

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Amrita said. I just laughed and walked away with them.


Hey guys!! Another update!

I told you guys that I would update a lot over spring break! I will try to upload one every day!

Im in love with the nickname Sanju! IT SOOO CUTEEE

And oo new characters!! Amrita and Anjali! The one on the left of the picture is Amrita and the one on the right is Anjali

Anywaysss love you guys! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!

Don't forget to follow/comment/vote!

Bye lovelies!

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