Chapter 3

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After a couple of months of obsessing over Mark and Bryce, you find out they were having a meet up in Maryland! You jumped up and ran to your mom, begging her to take you. After hours of begging, your mom got annoyed and finally said she would take you. You were so happy.

The meet up was in two weeks, so you had enough time to make Mark and Bryce a gift. You made them a huge poster that had pictures of them on it with some quotes said by them that inspired you. You also included a long paragraph about why they made you feel so happy. The poster took eight days to make, so there was still six days till the meet up.

Everyday you reminded your mom about it, and everyday you checked your calendar and crossed of each day.

The night before the meet up, you could barely get any sleep, but eventually you dozed off and dreamt of how the meet up with Mark and Bryce would go. Your dream was wonderful! You started talking to Mark and Bryce.


You: h-hey. I'm Y/N and I love you guys! I made you a poster, here!

Mark: OMG I love this thank you so much beautiful!

Bryce: Y/N this is amazing! Do you want to hang out with us after the meet up? We could go to the park, or maybe Starbucks?

You: Are you guys serious! I would love to hang out with you guys!

After the meet up you, Mark, and Bryce went to Starbucks, then to the park. You and Bryce start become very good friends, until he finally asks you out! You and Bryce were about to kiss when...


Your alarm clock was blaring! You jumped and almost fell off the bed! You turned the alarm off and were a little upset you didn't get to finish your dream. But you didn't care for it much, since today, you were actually going to meet Mark and Bryce!

You get dressed and hurry your mom up until you and your mom are on your way to the meet up.
~Skip car ride~

You get to the meet up area and see only a few people there. Then you saw them, Mark and Bryce, standing by a big tree near a swing set. You ran over to them, and they seemed surprised.

You walked up to them and said, "Hey, I'm Y/N. I'm a big fan of you guys and I made you a poster."

"Hello beautiful!" Mark said with a smile.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. It's longer than the other chapters which is pretty surprising since I started writing it in class. I love you guys and stay tuned for chapter four!💕

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