Chapter 13

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Ok so I know the majority of you guys want to end up dating Mark, but I'm going to have a little Bryce action going on for a couple of chapters. Ok back to the story! ;)


You and Bryce had been dating for almost 2 weeks now. His fans already knew, some called you a "slut" for going from Mark to him, but others loved it.

You gained thousands of followers on Twitter, Instagram,, and every other social media you had. You spent most of your time with Bryce and filmed boyfriend/girlfriend videos on YouTube. You were even on most of his live broadcasts on YouNow.

Everything seemed perfect, until you got a text from Mark. You read his text aloud in your room, Bryce was in the kitchen getting snacks and drinks.

"Hey y/n...I saw that you and Bryce are dating now? Um, well, have fun I guess, hopefully we can still be friends..." you read.

You texted him back "Of course we can still be friends! I'll ttyl I'm going to watch a movie with, well, you know who." You responded.

'Y/n why the f did you tell him that? He's probably so hurt right now' you thought.

"Hey, ready to watch the movie?" Bryce asked as he came into the room with chips and soda.

"Yeah, what are we watching anyway?" You asked.

"The Exorcist" he answered happily.

You hated scary movies, and he new that. You knew he picked that movie so you could cuddle up close to him and hide your face in his chest.

"Sounds good." You answered.

You spent most of the time with your head in Bryce's chest during the movie. He comforted you, and you loved that. You slowly started falling asleep in his embrace.

You woke up with light hitting your eyes. The sun was shining on your face through the window. Bryce was holding you close to him, which you thought we cute. You carefully got out of his arms and went home.

When you got home, you did your business, did your hair, and put on a little bit of make up. Your mom was at work so you went up to your room and watched YouTube while you did some homework.

After 45 minutes of doing homework and watching Shane Dawson on YouTube (a/n: or whatever YouTubers you watch) , you get a FaceTime call from Mark. You immediately answer it, after all, he was your new best friend.

"Hey Mark, what's up?" You say into the camera.

"Hey y/n, can we meet up at the park or something? I have to talk to you." He says.

"Ok, I'll go to your house, give me 5 minutes. See you soon! Bye!"

You close your laptop, get your phone, and start walking to Mark's house. He only lived a couple blocks away, so it wouldn't take long to get there.

Skip Walk

You knocked on Mark's front door. Almost immediately, Mark opened it. You followed him to the living room and sat down on the couch next to him.

"So, what's up?" You asked.

"I don't want you and Bryce to be together." He says, causing you to give him a confused look. You didn't know what to say.

Mark's POV

I invited y/n over, I had to tell her how I truly felt. She's supposed to be mine, not Bryce's! I loved her! I'm not afraid to admit that I am jealous of her and Bryce. I never should've broke up with her. Why am I such a fucking idiot?!

After I told her I didn't want her and Bryce to be together, she didn't reply, she just looked at me, speechless.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, it was a personal thing that happened. Anyways, Mark finally spoke up! Now we'll see what happens next chapter. Also I'm working on another fanfiction that I'll start posting for after this book is finished. Love you guys and bye!💕

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